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Normani peered out of the window of the plane as it began to land. Her beats blared loudly in her ear as she did so. Nervous was an understatement, she was practically starting a new life. Leaving Texas to go to college in California was a big deal for her.

This wasn't the first time she's found herself at LAX, visits were made here every summer but now this was different. She wouldn't be back at LAX when fall began to approach, this was where she'd reside for good. Or at least until she finished college.

It wasn't like coming here wasn't fun, she loved visiting. But, she would miss everything she was leaving behind in Texas. If she had it her way, she would have stayed in Texas and attended college there.

But, Andrea and Derrick had bigger plans for their daughter. Therefore she was venturing off to UCLA.

She'd be staying with her mother's younger brother, Calvin or uncle snoop as he preferred to be called. She did miss him and his son, Cordell. And most of all she missed Megan.

Megan had been her friend for as long as she could remember, they were incredibly close and she was sure there wasn't a friend she loved more. That was a plus side about living in LA, she'd see Megan as much as she'd like.

Dragging her suitcases and struggling with her duffle as she gazed around the airport. Her uncle said he'd be there to pick her up so she knew he was there, he always stayed true to his word and he was always on time - something her mother wasn't familiar with so that was a nice change.

"Mani!" Was yelled and she knew it was him by his unique voice. Turning around with quickness. Snoop approached her and grabbed her suitcase, leaving her with her duffel bag.

"Hey uncle snoop." She greeted and they chatted the whole way to the car. Once they got there they put her things into the trunk before she hurried into the passenger's seat.

"Ready for the city life, country girl?" He joked as he got into the driver's seat. Mani laughed a bit and pulled the headphones down so that they rested around her neck.

"Don't even start that."

Snoop chuckled as he put his seatbelt on. He looked over to see if she was wearing her seatbelt and proceeded to pull off once he saw that she was.

She was officially ready to embark on this new journey in her life.

• • •
Sweat dripped off of her body as she dribbled the ball, hot wasn't the word to describe the excruciating torture the sun brought on. But no matter how blazing it was, she always found herself outside playing ball with Cordell.

"It's hotter than hell." The boy complained, he took his shirt from around his neck and began to wipe the beads of sweat that formed at his forehead as Megan hummed in agreement.

She too had taken her shirt off some time ago, leaving her in a sports bra and biker shorts that showed off her perfect physique.

"Why the hell we decide to play in this hot ass weather anyways?" Megan breathed, no longer dribbling the ball but holding it against her abdomen.

"Cause I had to show you that you can't beat me." He winked, grabbing his Gatorade from the sideline and taking a sip. "Wanted to play before my cousin came and I lost all your attention."

"Cousin?" She repeated, stopping her actions and giving Cordell her full attention. "Mani's coming? She didn't mention it to me."

"Damn, you got all attentive quick as hell." He teased causing his friend to suck her teeth as he laughed while sealing his drink and sitting it back down. "Man, you know how she is. Wanna be all movie type, probably wanted to surprise you."

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