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"I'm Min Yoongi, by the way."

His voice still rang in your head as you sat in class, auto piloting listening to the teacher and taking notes.

You had introduced yourself to him as well, and you caught a small smile on his face. It was possibly the cutest thing you had ever seen. Yet something about him didn't just scream "small and innocent", there was more about him you were curious to find out.

The bell finally rung and the rest of the day went per usual, minus you thinking about Yoongi accidentally for most of the day. You had to find him before you went home, you wanted to know him more.

Trudging through the crowds of people after the final bell had rung, you got your things from your locker and set off, hoping to catch the mint-haired boy before he disappeared home. You stepped outside and looked around, assuming he'd be easy to spot, and as you looked around you spotted him leaking against a tree near the school. You smiled to yourself and began walking toward him, "Hey, Yoongi!" You called as you got close to him. He looked up from his phone, and you swear you saw a hint of happiness in his eyes but his face didn't change. "Sup." He said casually before looking back to his phone. You blinked, a little confused, before attempting to continue the conversation. "So, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out sometime?" You asked, you were hoping he'd say yes, you were burning to know more about him.

He looked a bit surprised by your question and took his attention away from his phone, and met your eyes. "You? Y/n l/n, asking me to hang out? I thought you'd come to demand a favor for saving my ass.. or are you?" He chuckled a bit. You shook your head, "No sir, no favors. I just want to get to know you." You answered honestly, hoping he'd believe you.

"Well then, looks like it's a date." Were the last words he said before handing you his phone number on a piece of paper. You smiled to yourself and pocketed the paper, making your way home too.

After getting back to the apartment, you threw your backpack to it's usual corner and tore your pants off, plopping into bed with just your shirt and boxers on. You immediately gravitated to your phone, setting Yoongi as a contact.

Y/n: Hey! It's y/n. :)


After awhile of no response you shrugged it off and decided to start on homework, completing a few papers before drifting off to sleep on your bed.

You woke up to streams of sunlight gently casting over your room, you could see the dust particles dancing around in the light. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes when you realized there was something heavy on your other arm. You sleepily turn and see a familiar mint colored head, no face visible as it was nuzzled into your arm. You smiled and shuffled a bit, getting comfortable, but that had stirred the boy. He inhaled and looked up at you, those brown eyes glittering as he looked up at you. "Good morning, y/n." He mumbled, sleep heavy on his voice. You just smiled brightly and started to lean down, his face inching closer to yours. Your eyes both fluttered shut, his soft looking lips-


You forgot to turn your phone down. It's loud sound filled the room and jolted you awake. You rubbed your eyes and yawned, but froze when you realized what you were dreaming about. You both mentally and physically slapped yourself, "Y/n!! What has gotten into you?! You can't be dreaming of someone you literally just met!" You scolded yourself and groaned as you rolled out of bed, checking the object that had awoken you from your nap, checking the time first. "9pm, great, I fucked my sleep schedule again." You said to yourself, but at least you had the whole weekend to fix it again. You went to your messages to check,

Minty: Hey, y/n. I got a bit busy, when did you want to hang out?

You smiled, happy to see him actually replying to you, which you may have had the teensiest doubt that he wouldn't.

Y/n: Well it's the weekend now, are you busy tomorrow? Say around noon?

Minty: I'm free.

Y/n: Perfect! I know just the place :)

the next day •

You rose out of your cozy cocoon and looked to your clock, it's only 10am. You happily hopped out of bed and pondered what outfit to wear. After staring at your wardrobe for what felt like forever, but was really only 5 minutes, you picked a gray oversized tee with a vaporwave graphic printed on it, black skinny jeans, and gray Converse with. You took a long shower, taking your time to have.. thoughts we may not speak of at this time, and finally got dressed. You took more time with your hair, going for that "I'm totally a kpop idol" hair style, deciding to do very light makeup as well to define your features.

You check your phone, seeing it's 11:20am. Right on time. You gather your things and head off to the place you decided to meet Yoongi at. The walk there was relaxing, you admired the nature around you, ignoring the cars that zoomed past on the road. You arrived to your destination and looked up at the sign, inhaling joyfully, just when you were about to step in you heard a voice,

"I'm surprised you picked this place." You heard that voice again, the one and only voice that made you feel butterflies. What?! Butterflies? Knock it off!  You thought, shaking your head before turning around, smiling with your teeth as you greeted the mint haired boy. "Hi, Yoongi! What's wrong with a little ice cream with your bro?" You said with a little teasing tone at the end. Yoongi rolled his eyes but smiled a bit before walking past you into the store. The little bell rung as you stepped into the small shop, clearly family owned. It's been your favorite hang out spot for a long time, and what better place to bring a new friend.

You walked up to the counter and greeted the staff as usual, as you knew each other. "I'll have the usual, cookie dough icecream. And uhh.. how about mint chocolate chip for my friend here." The lady nodded and headed back to complete your orders and you started heading toward a table. "H-how did you know my favorite?" Yoongi exclaimed, looking a bit shy. You both sat down across from each other at table by the window. "I dunno, I had a hunch." You chuckled and reached over, gently holding some of Yoongi's hair between your fingers. He made an 'o' shape with his mouth and just nodded.

"Here you cuties go" the waitress smiled widely as she handed you your icecream and you thanked her before turning back to Yoongi. You two ate semi quietly, and it would have been awkward but you were busy studying his features. His face reminded you of something.. as you studied more, you looked at his eyes and they suddenly met. You gazed into them for a long moment before mumbling, "... Cat.." Get blinked you tilted his head, "Huh?" He questioned and you shook your head, not realizing you had said that out loud. Desperately trying to save the moment you switched to conversation, "So, tell me more about you, Min Yoongi".

After long conversations about normal things like interests, hobbies, etc, you parted ways. It turns out you two had a lot in common, and you even had the same taste in music, but one thing that stuck out to you was that he mentioned making his own music, and now you were beyond curious of this boy's life. As you were lost in thought, you pulled your phone out and changed his contact.

Y/n: Today was fun! Hope to see you again soon.

The reply didn't come until you were already home, napping once again.

Lil meow: I can't wait to see you again.

Cat & Mouse • Yoongi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now