Alive Part 1

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Okay...I know I said I'd rewrite Circumstances, but that hasn't been going well for various reasons. So instead let's try another idea :) This is an idea that's been floating in my head for a while now. Finally decided to try writing it lol. I should warn you though. It's a weird one and not everyone will find this concept appealing and will involve making a certain character (or two) a bit OOC (at least at first.) so sorry if that rubs you the wrong way. This fic is rather AU though so hopefully it won't be a huge issue. (It's still in the pokemon world and is largely the same but a certain character has a different origin. VERY different. :P

This will span several stories Some will be chaptered (like this one) and others will be one shots. The reason for this is I think I get overwhelmed if the story gets too long so I'm gonna try and keep them at ten or below. Anyway let's start this.

I do NOT own Pokemon

Chapter 1: This is NOT Normal

No way...

Clemont stared at the letter in his hands. His breakfast cereal sat forgotten on the table. The teen couldn't even fathom how this was happening. Was Placebo Net seriously inviting him to work as a temp intern?

Placebo Net was a new facility, but they already made a name for themselves. They're dedicated to creating various tools and drugs that improve the quality of life for people and pokemon. They're close to curing several diseases and even stunned doctors by helping someone walk again. Placebo Net made the impossible possible. Why would they ask him to be an intern at his age?! What insane universe did he wake in this morning?

"Clemont, you've been gawking at that letter for ages, what's it about?" asked a youthful voice beside him.

"Sorry, Bonnie. It's from Placebo Net. They... want me as an intern."

"Wow, really?!" cried Bonnie. "Cool! They made all those new medicines right?"

"Yeah, it's only a temporary thing, but I could learn a lot."

"You're gonna accept then?"

"Maybe..." said Clemont as he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm a little hesitant to leave the gym but... Clembot has been keen to go solo for a while, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping."

"Well keep an eye out for keepers because I won't be around to help with that," said Bonnie with a wink.

"Bonnie!" moaned Clemont. Then he smiled. "Okay, I'll do it. What harm could it do?"

The rest of the day consisted of calling Placebo Net to inform them of his decision which thrilled them and making certain all was in order for Clembot to run the gym in his absence. He is due to start tomorrow, and would, for the most part, be an induction day. Placebo Net wasn't ridiculously far from Lumiose City. Just a fifteen-minute train ride to Kuro City so it wasn't like he would be miles away. It pleased Meyer when Clemont told him and was more than happy look after Bonnie while he was away. Clemont left early the next day and was now getting off the train at Kuro Station. Kuro City was as the name implied. Everything was dark coloured. Even the pavement somehow. The flower baskets dangling from various homes were the only things with even an ounce of colour.

Clemont pulled out his map and was somewhat surprised to find Placebo Net was only a couple of blocks away. Along the way the blonde watched everyone go about their business. Children not much younger than Bonnie played hopscotch in a play area with a Skitty. There was a salon where a woman was reading a magazine while waiting for a man to finish grooming what Clemont presumed was her Furfrou. A pansear walked up to Clemont and handed him a leaflet that advertised a pastry shop. figuring it to be a fine lunch idea, the teen placed the flyer into his pocket to review later. He also strolled by a flower stall where a young woman was making flower bracelets with the aid of her Hoppip.

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