Chapter 1

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"Amy, this isn't right! It's been three days. Can't you just fucking talk to her? It's making ME insane." I listen to Shane's complain as we are sitting in the cafeteria. I was staring at my food, barely touching it, when he snaps his fingers near my face.

"Hellooo? Earth to Amy!" he says, teasingly.

"Can you stop that?!" I snap.

"Wow! So you CAN speak." Damn, I hate it when people who aren't me enter the sarcasm mode.

"Ha, ha. Very funny." I give him my best bitch face. He looks back at me, putting on a serious expression which I'm not used to, coming from him.

"So, back to what I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me. Are you gonna talk to her at all? " he sounds a bit annoyed at this point, but I ignore his tone.

"I was listening and I don't know, Shane!" I lower my head and stare at my hands

I feel myself wanting to cry, but I hold it back.

"You're the one who's making it complicated." he sighs, "Do you really want to lose you friendship with Karma just because you're scared to talk to her?"

"No. Of course I don't wanna lose her, but I feel like I will either way and that's what scares me the most." the thought of it makes my nerves explode. I feel my heart sink a bit.

"All I'm saying is that it wouldn't hurt talking to her... Honestly, Aims, you're the one who asked for me to help you out on this, but you don't even listen to me!" he pouts like a little child, trying to ease up his clear impatience.

I was about to answer him when I see Karma walk in the cafeteria.

"Oh shit! We have to go, Shane."

He drags his eyes to where I'm looking.

"Really? You know what, Amy? Fuck this. Talk to me after you work this out" he stands up ready to go, but looks at me one last time, "You know I love you, Aims. I promise I'll start helping you again once you talk to her. Gay scout's honor. But just can't be around this drama for now." He gives me a condescending smile.

I watch him walk away.

I finally give up on hiding from Karma so I just sit there and lay my head between my crossed arms over the table, I haven't had a good night sleep since that night and the exhaustion kicks in, so I close my eyes for a while. Not for long enough though, I sense a hand on my shoulder.

"Amy?" my name sounds like a whisper, maybe she thinks that I could break like glass just by the sound of her voice. I could.
God damnit. Her voice. I haven't listened to that amazing sound in almost 70 hours. It takes everything in me not to turn around.

"Come on, Aims..." she poke my back, "this has been the longest silent treatment ever. You're killing me, Raudenfeld"

I stay still and quiet. But she doesn't give up, I feel her sitting by my side.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I quickly blurt out the words.

"Finally! I was almost assuming you'd gone mute." She laughs a little, but stops as soon as she realizes I'm acting indifferent towards her.

"Still don't wanna talk about it." I repeat.

"Since when has that ever stopped me?"

I go back to being silent.

"Liam broke up with me, for real." I hear her take a deep breath, "And I know you don't wanna talk about him, I just thought you should know."

I lift my head up and look at her, she looks sad and there are deep and dark circles under her eyes. I guess she hasn't been doing any better than I have, but somehow she's still able to look perfect . Damn, I love her and I don't even feel that angry anymore. Just sad.

"Look, I wanna fix this. I have been the worse best friend ever. Let me make it up to you. Pleeease?" She then gives me the puppy eyes and I get irritated, not at her, at myself, for loving her too much, for not being able to resist her. I give in.

"Okay, just... I want to be alone for the rest of the day." I sound numb, but I manage to send her a smile.

"Fine, I'll go over your house later."

She kisses my cheek before standing up and then freezes.

"I shouldn't have done that, should I"

"No... but it's fine, really, just go."

She seems worried.

"Right. Later." she then leaves.

Author's note: this is my first Karmy fanfic (I had a Demi Lovato fanfic but I decided to delete it cause it wasn't good) I know this will probably sound cheesy but if you read it and like it please leave a comment and vote, I felt very insecure about posting this so some support can really come in hand. Thanks!

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