Calling Home

870 29 19

Taylor snuggled against John's chest, as they both sprawled on the clean white bed of their hotel room. He tenderly wrapped his bare arms around her, kissing the top of her head, closing his eyes. They were both exhausted after their first day visiting the Japanese capital.

After they went to the flower market, they got back to the hotel room to call Tomohisa and suggest that he could bring them to a place he particularly liked, for they did not really know what to visit. As the temperature outside was warm, Taylor changed herself and put on shorts, putting her burgundy velvet trousers back in her suitcase.

When they found Tomohisa in front of the hotel, Taylor gave him the bunch of flowers she bought him at the flower market. She was surprised to see tears forming in his eyes, as he thanked them warmly. The driver could not help but repeat that his wife would love those flowers so much, as she had been looking for some like those for a long time with no success.

Tomohisa took the couple to Yoyogi Park in Shibuya, where a lot of musicians and artists gathered to show what they could do. There was a rock band playing a song by Queen, and John felt incredibly honoured, since the song they played was Spread Your Wings. There were rockabilly bands here and there, shamisen players, soul singers, and painters. Saying that Taylor was enchanted would be a terrible euphemism; her eyes could not stop shining as they made their way through the park, meeting all the artists. Some of them recognised John and asked for autographs and pictures. John, nice and shy, accepted, feeling awkward. Usually, he did not sign a lot of autographs, as people went up to Roger, Freddie and Brian most of the time. He was just a wallflower.

The couple invited their taxi driver to a sushi bar, paying for him. Tomohisa told them what the most delicious sushis and makis were, showing John how to eat with chopsticks properly, as he kept making them slip between his fingers. It was quite surprising, knowing he went to Japan twice.

In the afternoon, Tomohisa brought Taylor and John to Meiji Shrine, a Shinto temple. Taylor, curious as usual, asked him a lot of questions concerning their religion and the way they practised. John took a lot of pictures of the place, but not when they were inside, as he considered that it was disrespectful.

After they went to a fast food restaurant, John and Taylor were at the hotel, thanks to Tomohisa, who drove them back. And here they were, lying on the bed, cuddling.

John ran a hand through Taylor's hair, for she undid her ponytail. She grinned and kissed his chin endlessly, her eyelids closed. Aside from the sound of her lips stroking his skin and their breath, absolutely no sound could be heard in the room. They relaxed there, for a long moment, half asleep, stroking each other's cheeks or hair.

About an hour later, Taylor completely woke up, and saw that John was too. She cleared her throat, knowing that her voice would sound awful, since she had not spoken for all this time. She ran a fingertip on his nose, kissing its side from time to time.

“I wonder how Malo is” she whispered, lightly frowning. “Do you think Freddie remembers to feed her everyday? I know that Suzy left for the weekend.”

“Don't worry about that, Freddie would never forget to feed a cat. He loves cats so much, and whenever he sees a dying one, it's him who's dying!”

They chuckled quietly, and Taylor rested her head on John's shoulder, stroking his ear with her nose. He shuddered lightly with a grin, taking her hand and massaging her skin with his thumb. He took a look at his wristwatch and counted something.

“What are you thinking about?” she said.

“The jet lag. There's about nine hours between England and Japan. It's half past nine, which means that it's half past noon there.”

Mysterious Taylor! (A John Deacon fic)Where stories live. Discover now