Part One: The Playground

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When I was twelve years old I began to like a kid in my class. He was always cheery and very talkative. Over the years his positive attitude began to fade. He quit hanging out with his friends and he barely showed up to school. I figured it was just a phase but who am I to judge someone who I thought was perfect in my eyes.

His name was Colby. He had brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. He's everything to me. All these years and he never figured out my crush. I wanted to tell him my freshman year of high school but chickened out when he moved into the blue house next to mine. It's not that i didn't want to, it was just that I had thought of the worse when I would tell him my little secret. I would write him a note and he would look up at me in disgust and everyone would laugh at me. I'd have to pack my things and move to the other side of the world, never to be seen again. But that's just me. I over think everything and never go full out with my plans. That's why I don't have many friends. I only have one best friend and his name is Jake. He's a weirdo but he'll do. He listens to my problems and makes me laugh all the time.

"Carissa!" My mom yells, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I waited for a couple minutes and after no reply I roll my eyes and get off my bed and walk downstairs to the living room.

I hate it when she doesn't answer me. She calls my name and then she says nothing else. If you wanted something say it so I could get up and do it for you, don't make me wait. It's tiring.

I sigh and look at her drunken figure slouched on the recliner. "Yes?" I say with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Get me a beer."

I drag my feet to the kitchen to grab her drink. I don't understand why she likes these things. They're gross and don't have a taste at all.

"Thanks. I'm having some friends over later on tonight. It's best if you were to stay in your room and lock your door" she slurs while reclining back in the chair.

"Okay" is all I say as I head back to my room.

All I ever do is stay in my room so it doesn't bother me at all. I either listen to music or watch Netflix on my laptop. School's out for the summer so homework is not an option which I would rather do. I lock my door and dress into something more comfy. I try on a white t shirt and some Cotton shorts. I pull my hair up and dive under the blankets. I reach for my laptop and began watching friends.

Twenty minutes in and I hear a loud crash coming from downstairs. I hear a deep laugh coming from a male. Shivers run down my spine as I stand up to double check that my door is locked.
I can't stand it when she invites guys into the house. They reek of alcohol and I feel uncomfortable around them. I throw on some shoes just in case anyone decides to come up here. I open my window and sit back on my bed.

Thanks to my overthinking I always have a plan for these situations. I run to the park, call Jake and stay with him for the night. It's happened several times before, I just hope this night isn't one of them.

"Where's your little girl?"

Oh no.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and freeze when I see a pair of shoes just outside my door. I make a run for it. I hop out my window and climb down the drain pipes. I jog towards the park. It's a ten minute run so I do nothing but keep my eyes peeled on what's in front of me and check ever so often to see if anyone follows me.

I get to the entrance and slide in through the locked gates. I stop to catch my breath and call Jake.

Shit. I forgot my phone.

What am I gonna do now? I can't walk to his house it's on the other side of the city.

I turn to look at the swing set and spot a boy who looks no younger than me. It's too dark to see his face but I could tell he was wearing a hoodie and jeans. I step closer to get a better image of his face.

It's Colby Brock.

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