Chapter 1

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Okay, so this story does take place after season 3.So the ninja (besides Jay) met Chen. Oh and some characters are mine, including Cole's sister.


It was late at night, when the Master of Lighting was told by Nya to meet her on the deck. Now, he wasn't sure what it was about, but that's where Jay was heading. As he made his way down the halls, he tried to think of  reasons that Nya wanted to meet him now. Only three came up.

1. She had another fight with Kai

2. She wanted to show him something

3. She decided who she liked. Cole or Jay?

The third one made Jay really nervous. Who did she pick? Was it him? Jay was in front of the doors that led outside. He could she two shadows through the cracks. That meant, Cole was here too. Maybe she already chose one of them.

" Nya, that's great" Cole's voice sounded.

What's great? What are they talking about? What did she say?

" Yes it is. But I don't know how to tell Jay."

Jay's eyes widened. There was something Nya needed to tell Jay, but what was it? Jay continued to listen to the conversation between the two friends, waiting for the right moment to appear.

" You haven't told him yet" Cole said surprised.

Jay began to feel a bit of sadness in his heart. Maybe Nya did pick Cole, and they were trying to-

No! They would've told him first, right.

" I can't just go up to him and say " Hey Jay, I'm pregnant with-"

Jay brusted through the door screaming "WHAT!"

Cole and Nya looked a Jay with confused and scared eyes. Jay looked at them and realized they were holding hands." You traitor" Jay shouted pointing at Cole. Nya walked slowly towards him." Jay wait, let us explain." Jay just glared at them." Explain what? That you chose that... that Dirt Cod." Jay saw how Cole  flinched at the insult, but he didn't care." How could you? You were my best friend" he said. Cole, not knowing why, looked down at his feet, like he was actually guilty.

" Jay please listen" Nya begged.

Jay began to walk backwards, away from the two " love-birds". He shook his head a ran all the way to his room. Behind him he heard Cole call his name. Jay lied down on his bed. He didn't turn around when he heard the door open, and when someone climbed onto the buck above him. That buck belonged to Cole. Jay buried his head in his pillow and began to cry like a newborn. And like a newborn, he cried himself to sleep.

Jay woke earlier than usual. To give himself enough time. He quickly and quietly changed and packed some of his belongings, into a duffle bag. He made his bed and went out onto the deck. As he walked through the doors, Jay was startled by a pair of legs dangling from above. Whoever was up there didn't notice Jay. With his curiosity eating him away, Jay went around the back, where a small staircase was that led to the roof. Peaking up, Jay saw someone he did not expect.


The earth ninja was sitting there, looking sad. Why would he be sad, he got Nya. Jay was about to leave when he noticed a small box next to Cole. It was blue and black, and on the side of it " time" was carved into it. Ignoring it, Jay left. 

He jumped off the ship and left.

And he wasn't planning on returning.

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