Hey Mom I will be back I a little while . We're u going she said. I am going to Starbucks . Ok see u later honey . So I get to Starbucks and order a pinkie drinkie . A me being dumb I forgot my wallet . So I am about and what happened next was a shocker.
Justin pov
It was a causal day and I am behind a super hot guy how seems to forgot his wallet.
(C:cashier , j:Justin)
J: how much will it cost for u to add a vannile Iced coffee
C: it would cost 20.23 dollars
J: here is the money bye.
Tyler pov
Wow a super hot guy just payed for are drinks
(T: Tyler , j:Justin )
T: hey thx for that
J:it is no problem
T: what is ur name
J: it is Justin hbu
T: Tyler
J: how old are u
T: I am 16 hbu
J: I am 18
T: not that bad only 2 yrs apart
J: what is that suppose to mean
T: oh nothing
2 hours have passed and Tyler and Justin have became really close.
J: hey Tyler do
T: do u Justin want to be my boyfriend also sorry for cutting u off .
J: it is ok and yes I would love to also I was just about to ask u the same question
How they made it an acutal thing they change there status on all there soical Media to In a relationship with @tylerbrown and for Tyler in a relationship with@ Justinblake.which Justin and Tyler ex's we're angry that they moved on . So Tyler threats from Reagan and Justin hot threats from Sam (idk his last ex name )
Justin pov
Who is Sam thought Justin
Tyler pov
Who is Reagan thought Tyler
J: hey Tyler do u know a Sam
T: depends what is his last name
J: Sam pocket
T:omg she is my ex
J: wait I thought u are gay
T: I am bisexual
J: oh ok any back on topic
T: do u know a know a Reagan beast
J: omg yes he is my ex . Wow that is shocking how both of are ex's are mad that we are together
So 2 hours have past and the threats have not gone away they have just gotten worse .
T: Does Reagan know we're u live?
J: idk he may still remember
T: that is not good cause he said he is coming over
J: does Sam know we're u live ?
T: no I went to his house . He never came to mine.
J: that is good cause we can go to ur house . Just we need to turn off are locaters.
Both did it . Now they are both on there way to Tyler house which is only 5 min away from Justin's
(T: Tyler , j:Justin , m : mom)
T: I am home
M: finnaly who is that behind u ?
T: it is my boyfriend Justin
J: hi Ms. Brown
M: his Justin nice to meet u better take good care of my baby boy
T: mom stop it is emmbrassing
J: no it is cute
M: what is wrong y'all look worried
T&j: Sam and Reagan are threanting us
M: u mean ur ex Sam and I am guessing that Reagan is Justin ex
T: yep and Reagan said he coming for me
M: oh hell no he is not going to hurt my baby nor my baby boyfriend
T: thank u mom
J: thank u Ms . Brown
M: just call me Samantha
J: ok
T: hey babe I just got another text from u know who
J&m: what did he say?
T: he said " I am here were the fuck are y'all" . Should I answer ?
J&M: fuck no u crazy
T: u are right I dont know what I was thinking
Reagan pov
I want Tyler died . Justin is my man not his. We never broke up we were just on break . Why does he cheat on me
Justin pov
(R:Reagan , j: Justin)
R: hey baby
J: who the fuck u calling baby
R: why u of course
J: I am not ur baby we broke up
R: what are u talking about we are just on a break
J: no I said we are over god now u know why u call u pyshco
R: how could call me that babe
J: I am not ur babe
R: yes u ARE
J: what ever bye pyshco
Tyler pov
T: what is wrong baby
J: is texting me saying we are together which we aren't cause I have a awesome sexy man in front of me
T: aww thx . Let me text him
J: ok here is my phone
Tyler pov
(T:Tyler , R : Reagan )
J: hey
R: what's up baby
J: this isn't Justin
R: then who is it
J: it is Tyler
R: skank u stole my man
J: he isn't ur man he is mine y'all broke up
R: no we didn't
J: well what ever just leave me and him alone I am his future and present u are his past so Bye
Justin pov
J: what did u say to him
T: just told him that I am ur future and present and he is ur past
J:aww thx baby
T: well it is true he is a piece of past garbage
J: true . Do u want to go up to my dad's house in North Carolina
T: why
J: so we can get in to whole another state away from Reagan
T: sure let me pack my things
Ok done
J: that was fast
T: I only really wear sweatshirts and sweatpants
J: same here
They get there tickets to North Carolina
( D: dad , m: Maya, j: Justin , t : Tyler )
J: hey Maya we're u at ?
M: am out side to ur left
J:ok just to let you know I did bring my boyfriend
M: u mean Reagan
J: hell no we broke up I am dating someone new his name is Tyler
M: ok
T&J: hey
M: hey so u are the famous Tyler Justin had been talking about
J: can we go to the house so we can surprise my dad
T: I thought Maya and u are brother and sister
J&M: no we are just bestie
T: ok let's go the house then
They arrive there after a 20 min drive
Dad's pov
M: hey Patrick I am home
D: hey were are u
M: outside come here I got a gift
(Walks outside)
(Justin gets out of the car)
D: omg Justin u are home
J: I brought my boyfriend with me to
D: u mean dumbass pyscho Reagan.
J: no we broke up I am with someone new his name is Tyler
( Tyler gets out of car )
D: nice to meet u Tyler
T: nice to meet u mr.blake
D: call me Patrick
T: ok
(They all go inside and Tyler and Justin put there thing in Justin room and then go back downstairs to sit on the couch of the opposite of Patrick's and maya couch)
D: so why did u come home so unexpectedly not that I don't want u here
J: do you want to tell him baby
T: sure . So what happened was once we meet we started dating and Sam and Reagan btw Sam is my ex . They started threanting us . Sam stop but Reagan got worse he went to Justin house in California but we went to my house. So some how he found my house and so we flew out here cause Lucy he doesn't know were u lived
D&M: wow that is not good but if Reagan lays one finger on u and Tyler we will end him
J&T: thx for the protection
T: omg I needed to text my mom see if she is ok
Tyler pov
T: mom
M: yes ty
T: are u ok
M: yeah wouldn't I be
T: didn't Reagan come be
M: no but we're are u at
T: I am in North Carolina with Justin and his family
M: why did y'all have
T: cause we need to get away from Reagan
M: ok just be safe
(Still Tyler pov)
J: so is ur mom ok
T: yeah apparently Regan never showed up to my house
J: does ur mom want u back down there
T: no she said if we want we can stay
J:so is that a yes or no
T: yes I would love to
Everyone screamed yeah
D&M: we're are you sleeping
T:in the room with Justin
M&D: ok goodnight guys
T&J: goodnight
2 years later
Justin pov
Today the big day i am going to ask Tyler to marry me
I can't wait to be his hubby and him be mine hubby
J: Tyler can you come down here
T: sure I am coming . Why is everyone starring right at me
(Justin gets on one knee)
T: omg
J: will u Tyler brown marry me
T:omg omg omg yes a thousand times yes
(Gets up and starts making out)
M&D: yeaaaaaaah. Congrats on ur engagement
J&T: thx
T: I can't believe it we are getting married
J:so are u taking my last name or am I taking ur Last name
T: URS of course. I can't wait for us to be mr. And Mr. Blake
J:yep same I love u so much Tyler
(Starts to make-out again)
T: so when do u want to have the wedding
J: how about in December on Christmas
T: sure that sounds perfect
2 months go bye
T: So it is 3 months until are wedding
J: yeah I can't wait
T: what is going to be are theme
J: I was thinking rainbow
T: that sounds awesome and also it represents are gayness
J: I didn't realize that
T: seriously
J: no I am kidding I did reliaze it
(Rest of it gets planned)
M: Today is the day
D&M: I can't believe we are giving them away know
P: preset
P: do u tlyer brown take Justin Blake to be ur lovely weeded husband
T: I do
P:do u Justin Blake take
J: I do
(Start making out)
P: u may just keep on doing what you are doing
(They go back to the house and have after party )
Everyone starts dancing and eating and drinking and yes everyone is over 21 now
4 years later
Tyler pov
T:I have been wondering we have been married for 4 years now
J: yeah what about it
T: I was wondering if u want to adopt a child
J: I would love to
T: do u want a boy or a girl
J: I don't matter to me
T:let's go ask ur dad and maya
T&J: hey guys we are adopting a child
D&M:awesome what gender
J&T:we don't know so we came and asked y'all
M&D: we say boy
J&T: that sounds awesome See y'all later
T:so what is his name going to be
J:how about mason
T:sounds awesome
J: what is his middle.name going to be
T:Mason Lee Blake
J: sounds good
T:so do u want to tell Maya and ur dad
J:yeah sure
J&T: we're are naming him mason Lee Blake
M&D: awesome when y'all going to adopt one
T&J: probably next week just give us a week to file the papers
T:I already talk to the people and they say we qualify for adopting a child
J: seriously u so far planned
T:is that a bad thing
J: no I makes u more sexy
T: thx same for u
(A week has passed and they adopted mason Lee Blake he grow up to be bi but tlyer and Justin still love him )