Heathers AU (Tamara x Tord)

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Heather Sinclair (aka Heather Chandler) = Tori Sinclair

Heather Gilder (aka Heather Duke) = Ell Gilder

Heather Hargrove (aka Heather McNamara) = Matilda Hargrove

Sorry for the confusion UwU

No one makes sense.
That's all I've ever learned from this school.
Everyone used to be so nice and innocent.
Just...what happened?

My name is Tamara Riverston. I just started senior year at a school called Westerburg High. Things haven't been so great over the years. I try to fit in, but all I get are glares. Jeez. My whole life was pretty much trash until I got myself involved with the Heathers.

Who are the Heathers?
They're basically the bosses of this school, and they are such bitches.

Anyways...I best be going before my girl, Heather Sinclair, starts to beat me up.


Ugh, this again.

"Sorry Heather, I was just trying to organize my locker."

"Ugh whatever. I need you to accompany me while I ask everyone in this cafeteria the daily stupid question."

"Can't you just take Heather Gilder or Heather Hargrove with you?"

"No TAMARA, I need YOU to come with ME because you're the WRITER in our group, and I need someone to write down everyone's answers while I do the asking."

"Ok jeez fine, I'll go with you."

"That's right, now follow me."

I followed Heather around the cafeteria. Man this sucks, even the question sucks. I think it's something about the world ending in a day? I don't know and I don't care. Out of boredom I look around the room to see if anyone is doing some stupid shit. There's the jocks being assholes, there's the nerds being bullied by the assholes, and there's...Martha. I wish Martha the best of luck to survive high school.

Everything looks the same except...who is that guy? He's sitting in the corner, avoiding eye contact with anyone. I want to get a closer look at him, but I'm stuck with question girl over here. Suddenly he looks up and looks in my direction. I can clearly see his face and...we made eye contact. Not even the day when I became "beautiful" was as beautiful as him. I could feel myself staring, but I can't help it. Without any warning I started walking towards him. I didn't even realize I left Heather until I stopped walking. I was right in front of him. We gazed at each other for a while, and I really don't know what to say.

He had silvery eyes that could outshine the moon. His hair was the color of caramel, and was shaped into two horns on top of his head, which really made me think, he's sweet and spicy, and I can't really relate. His outfit was a black trench coat, a red shirt, black pants, and black Converse. Am I dreaming or is this guy tolerating my existence without freaking out because I'm part of the Heathers? Without any hesitance I start to speak.

"Hi um, what are you doing in the corner of the cafeteria?"

"Oh I'm just trying to stay away from all of the toxic people I could think of."

Oh wow...he has an accent...hot.

"Sounds nice to just get away with living a life that didn't involve bullies."

"Yeah, but I thought you enjoyed living that kind of life."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you've been hanging out with the Heathers for a long time, and I just sorta thought you liked being with them."

"They're not all too bad once you get to know them...but they're still the mean bitches everyone knows, and they can be annoying as fuck from time to time, so I wouldn't really say I enjoy being with them. At least not all the time."


"Uh...hey so are you free anytime?"


Right when he was about to answer, just OUT OF NOWHERE, Heather grabs my shoulder and yanks me to her side.

"Excuse me, but who the hell do you think you are to just casually talk to Tamara?"

"Oh I'm sorry your highness, my name is Tord Dean and I think you just interrupted our lovely conversation."

Tord huh? It's such an interesting name... I love it.

"I could care less about the conversation you two had. You're just a lame teen who decided to talk to a girl who is way out of your league."

"You trying to protect her or something?"

"I'm just trying to protect her from horrible influences, like you."

"Well, it doesn't seem like you're doing your job correctly. If you're trying to protect her from bad influences then how come she's not avoiding you?"

"UGH THAT'S IT! Tamara let's go, we're leaving this fool."

I feel her hand grab my wrist and she starts dragging me away from Tord. I look behind me and I could just see his sad face pleading for me to not go. I can't bear to see his face like that. I ripped my hand away from Heather and ran back to Tord. Better do this quick before she kicks my ass.

"Listen, if you're free today meet up with me in the 7/11 nearby at 6:00."

"Oh okay! See you then."

"Wait, it's Tamara Riverston."


"My name is Tamara Riverston. I'd like to get to know you better...so I think our meet up would be a great chance to talk."

"Yeah, I'd love to get to know you as well, and if you didn't hear earlier, my name's Tord Dean. Anyways, you'd best be going. I don't want your boss coming back here to steal you from me again."

"Heh alright, bye."


Just as I was about to walk away I hear Tord say, "By the way, I love your eyes! It's not everyday I see someone with black voids for eyes."

"Oh uh...thank you~"

I've never been happier.

I ran back to Heather and she did NOT look happy. She looked very disappointed, but what surprised me is what she asked me.

"Are you in love with him?"

My face turns red from embarrassment. I turn away so I wouldn't have to look at her stupid smirk.

"Uh...no, he just seems interesting."

"You sure? I saw the way he looked at him. I thought you weren't the type to believe in love at first sight, guess I was wrong."

I really do not want this kind of conversation right now. I then heard some shouting in the background. I turned around to see Tord and the jocks arguing. Looks like two of the jocks were making fun of him, but he didn't look affected by what they were saying about him. Usually the jocks could easily make someone fear them and get anxiety, but this kid right here...this kid has a lot of guts and potential. Things started to escalate and the jocks started to try to beat up Tord physically. I wanted to step in and stop the fight, but then I saw something incredible. Tord was beating them up like they were just small ants to him. It was two vs one, yet the one is winning while the two were losing. Now that's a person I would fight for...of course I'd also want him to fight for me, but I don't know if he could ever accept someone like me.

I guess I'll find out later at 6:00.

(1221 words; I'll make a part 2 for dis)
I fricken stayed up later than I should've working on this oneshot, but I'm still trash :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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