the closet

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I'm heading to the library's restrooms when I hear a shout from behind me. "Hey, nerd!" Oh, no. I know that voice. I slowly turn around to face Harry Portman, the school's biggest bully. He has two of his big, dumb friends with him.

"Harry," I say, crossing my legs casually, "can't you give me a break? Just for today?"

He pauses, as if he's considering it. He turns to his friends and asks, "Whataya think, boys? Should we leave our favorite little friend alone today? Both boys grunt and shake their heads. I never hear those two talk.

Harry shrugs and grabs my shoulders. One of his bodyguards shoves a stack of books into my hands. "I expect all of my homework done for tomorrow, brat, and I better get a B or better on all of it!"

"No," I say.

He turns to me with a look of shock on his face. "No?"

"No. I'm tired of you, Harold, and I'm not doing your homework anymore."

Harry grabs me roughly and I drop the books. He shoves me into a storage closet, locking the door behind me. How long are they gonna keep me here?

Meanwhile, I still have to pee. I waited for about an hour before because I wanted to get my work done. Now that mistake is coming back to haunt me. I sit crosslegged on the floor, sighing in defeat.

"What was that?" a girl's voice asks. She walks into the light, confused. I tell her what happened and ask what she's doing in here. "I was getting something for the librarian. Are we stuck in here?"

"It appears so," I answer. The girl sits in front of me in a pretzel position.

"I'm Sally," she says.

I hold out my hand. "Matty." She smiles and shakes my hand. She's pretty.

I am shocked out of my trance by a pulsing in my lower abdomen. I wince and change positions. "What's wrong?" she asks.

I shake my head. "Nothing. Don't worry about it." She smiles. We talk for twenty more minutes. I feel a stabbing pain in my bladder and gasp, earning me a strange look from Sally.

"Are you sure you're okay, Matty?" she asks, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I assure her. I look at my phone. We've been in here for half an hour already?

My bladder continues to remind me of its fullness. I groan quietly and begin to rock back and forth again.

"Matty, something's wrong!"

"I told you, I'm fine!" my sentence comes out angrier than it should have. A look of hurt crosses her face. "Sorry," I say sheepishly.

My bladder pulses. I suck in air through my teeth and put my hands on my hips. I really, really need to go. Sally looks me over curiously, but doesn't say anything more. I try to keep the pee dancing to a minimum but I can't help it.

I continue to fidget, rubbing my thighs, changing positions. "Matty!" I jump at the sound of her voice, and leak. I quickly give myself a squeeze, subtly so she doesn't see.

She continues, "What is wrong?"

"I... I-it's nothing, okay?"

She notices my stuttering. "Why are you talking like that? Are you sick or something?" Her voice is full of concern and curiosity.

"No, I'm not sick, I'm f-" Before I can finish my sentence, a major urge hits me and I straighten up and tighten my already crossed legs.

"You're not, Matty, you don't sound fine at all!"

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