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EXT. Bonita's home - day

Sunny day in Mexico. Mateo and Bianca get Bonita ready for school.

MATEO, male, Mexican, Second in command of a cartel, 40s, seems stressed


Bonita! hurry up you're going to be late for school mama.


SORRY PAPI! I'm trying to hurry, ill be downstairs soon.

Bianca, female, Mexican, Wife of Mateo, late 30s, is rather calm and collected.


I bet one dollar that she was up all night watching the stars with the girls again daydreaming. Daydreaming is not going to help you pass school.

Bonita, Mexican, Daughter of Mateo and Bianca, Pre-Teen, flushed

(Bonita comes running down the stairs. Juan grabs Bonita for a hug)


Promise me you're going to do well today in school. no distractions.

(Bonita rolls her eyes as this is something she hears every day)


Papi, you give me this speech every morning and you know I always do well.


I know but I'm scared if I don't give you this speech you might slip up. gotta make sure you stay on the right path.

(Bianca puts her arms around Bonita)


you know Papi means well.

(Bianca kisses Bonita on the forehead)


Before I go, I want you guys to know that you don't have to plan a birthday party. I don't care for it really. I am okay with good company and of course gifts.


Nope, you're getting a birthday party and there's nothing you can say or do. We have already been planning with Lorena's and Josie's parents. We are also getting a Pinta because your brother has been bothering us for candy.

(Bonita shrugs her shoulders in defeat)


Ok, fine no point in fighting this I guess. I will see you guys later.

(Bonita makes her way to the door but stops and turns around.)


Bonita, don't forget we love you, okay


Te Amor sweetie.

(Bonita looks back, smiles at her parents and goes on her way)

Cut to:

EXT. Outside of Bonita's house, onto the street. - day

Bonita steps outside her house and starts walking onto the street to meet up with her neighbors/best-friends Lorena, and Josie.

( Bonita starts walking down the street to meet up with Lorena)

cut to:

EXT. Josie's house. - day

Lupe, female, Mexican, Josie's mother, early 40s, is excited


Here's your backpack sweetie. I'm excited for your birthday. I can't believe my little girl is not so little anymore.

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