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                   {POV- Ana Tekkoi}

        I make my way through the thick leaves, branches sporadically hitting my face. I can't be caught by him again, for all I know hes trying to kill me. Who is this man and what does he want? I ponder until my hair gets caught in a more sturdy branch. "This isn't effecient.." I mutter defeated. I take one last big tug at my hair and the branch releases it, taking nearly half of the clump. I decide to crouch down, walking lower will reduce the risk of branches harming me more and make it harder to see me from afar.
        As I'm finally far enough away from the containment unit I notice that it was almost too easy to leave. There was hardly even a quarrel. I cautiously glance around hoping and praying to see no suspicious faces. All I can make out is a small crow prancing it's way around on the cracked sidewalk. The crow quickly flies away as a group of tall women leave the nearby bar. I decide a drink should ease my nerves right now more than anything. As I cross the street a dark red SUV comes flying down the street swirving almost directly before hitting me. A tall, maroon haired man stepped out of the car with a brooding attitude. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you alright? Do you need help?" He said quickly slamming the door behind him hurrying his way towards me. "Its alright, I'm fine, and no thank you please just leave me be." I respond with hesitance towards him. "My name is Akashi, here's a business card if you need anything. Please don't hesitate to let me know. After all, I owe you big time for nearly hitting you." He says scratching the back of his neck. He's actually quite a handsome man. He's tall, a good six foot maybe, and very kind for all I know. "Actually could we just get coffee sometime? I wouldn't want you to feel indebted" I say plucking a small green leaf from my tousled brown hair. That reminded me of how much of a mess I looked as of earlier. "That sounds fine!" He chuckles then offers me a ride home. I politely decline. We exchange phone numbers then we go off on our own separate paths. I, myself, go into the bar finally as planned. I take a seat at the table and politely request whiskey from the barista handing her money and my identification. "Uhm.. keep the money, you look like you've had a rough night." she says eyeing my hair and my scratched at skin. I nod in gratitude and take the whiskey and my ID from her. Words cannot express how great it finally felt to have a drink of something cold and hopefully mind-settling. After a few more shots of several other drinks I was finally ready to call a cab. I scroll through my contacts trying to find my most reliable cab driver. "Ah, here he is.." I say pressing a button on my phone. The next thing I remember is waking up in bed in a completely unfamiliar setting. As comforting as the bed was I was still quite shocked. Had I gotten too drunk and went home with the cab driver? Oh God not now of all times... I quickly rush out of bed, not paying any attention to who I was next to, and run straight to the bathroom where I look at myself. "What mess did you get yourself into this time, Ana?" I say turning away from the mirror riddled in cracks. I look at the shower and decide that maybe it's time I take one. I walk towards the luxurious walk-in shower and twist a knob with a dark red sticker on the protruding bit. A nice warm stream of water starts delicately pouring out of the silver shower head. I sigh in relief and closed the shower door, already riddled with steam. Nearly falling over out of relief I decide to hurry up with the shower and get dressed before I passed out. After the shower I made the decision to get some clothes on and finally take a long awaited nap when I realized I still had one issue... who was the man in the bed?

Slight cliffhanger until I write... uhh more ig idk

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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