I Want More

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Taehyung's POV

I haven't been able to get him off my mind since that night.

It's not just the amazing sex we had but everything about the whole interaction. I have never felt that good around anyone my whole life. And for him to be fine with switching positions, like damn take my heart.

No one and I mean no one I have ever been with or hooked up with would ever really want to do it, they were just strictly bottoms or tops.

But with Jungkook its different. He likes to do both and he doesn't mind. He doesn't mind that I call him baby and he calls me daddy even when he's pounding into me which I freaking love.

God, even thinking about him is making me have a full on boner.

When we woke up the next day I set a bath for the both us to wash up in which he didn't mind and then we both made some breakfast together which consisted of stealing glances and kisses here and there. As well as a lot of touching as if we couldn't take our hands off each other. As if we known each other so long to be this comfortable with one another.

Then after we ate, we sat on the couch cuddling and watching movies and just having a lazy day. I have never done that with someone I've hooked up with but for some reason it was natural with him, it made me want to get to know Jungkook even more. I want to know everything there is to know and I have this strong urge to make him mine and thats what I decided I will do today.

We have been texting for two weeks, after that night, getting to know each other the best we could over the phone. But I can't stand not having him in my arms, I want him here with me, I want to kiss him, and show him the love he deserves.

After getting to know him these past two weeks I just found myself falling more and more for the cute little bunny.

We are similar in some aspects but different in others and I love that because there is just more I can learn about him.

So today I've decided to invite him over for dinner which he gladly accepted as soon as I asked and that made me so happy.

And this is how I ended up in the kitchen cooking steaks and pasta. I also decided to take out one of my most expensive wines since Jungkook deserves everything.

He also really likes wine, I don't and so this is good way to actually use some of these bottles.

I haven't been in a good relationship in a long while. My parents set me up with a women, Soyoung, hoping we would get married before I'm thirty but that never happened.

You can't turn your gay son straight, especially not with a girl like that. And my other past relationships were either after money or wouldn't be give me enough time to be able to figure out how to come out to my parents.

I've always done what my parents want of me and I always put them first and since I'm running their company I never wanted to disappoint. Even after I made my own company and I currently run both, there's no way I can disappoint them.

But turns out I would have never done such a thing.

The minute Jungkook left my house that day my parents came barging in with shocked and conflicted looks on their faces.

It turns out Soyoung told them what happened and what she saw happen between me and Jungkook. She told them I was gay and that I was disgusting being so.

My parents kicked her out not believing her at first and for calling me what she did. But I ended up telling them that I am and they immediately accepted me. They just wished I would have told them myself and that also did so sooner.

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