Chapter 1

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Bending over the papers lying on the small coffee table, I have to resist the urge to vomit. They say love makes you unable to see the flaws your loved one possesses, but how could I be so blind. So fucking stupid!

Thinking he was a beginning lawyer for more than two years, while in reality he's a monster. I know it's dumb to just sit here with all this confidential information on the table. I should have called the cops hours ago. Unfortunately enough, I just zoned out. I can't think straight, nor can I move from my spot on the floor.

Even if I would have the strength to call the police, they would never believe me. Nobody is so naive. Well except for me apparently. I always thought he was a good guy, a genuine good person. Guess I couldn't have been more wrong.

The sound of the door of the fancy apartment opening, finally wakes me up to face the reality. Jason walks in, I can hear his familiar footsteps. The second he walks into the living room, seeing me sitting on the floor with a face full of horror, he knows something is wrong.

I turn my head to face his confused face and couldn't keep my feelings to myself anymore.

'You're a fucking monster and if you think you can get away with all of this, you're wrong. So damm wrong!! I'm gonna make sure you rot away in prison and never...'

The shocked expression on his face lasted for a few seconds, until he saw the papers spread on the coffee table. He knew she would not support his work, that's why he never told her any of it. But to think she would turn in her own fiancée. He never suspected anything like that.

'Emily sit down, lets talk about this, its not as bad is seems.' He interrupted me, while his face showed, once again, the usual nonchalant expression. My face on the other hand was red, not only from the crying, more so from the rage I felt swell up inside of me.

'Not as bad as it seems you say, while I wave the papers in front of him. A humourless laugh escapes my lips. 'So you're saying, kidnapping young girls, selling them, killing innocent people, ruining lives, selling drugs and whatever more you have down is "not as bad as it sounds", you're an absolute disgrace to this world. There's nothing you can do or say to stop me from turning you in!'

With those words I walk over to the door and am I about to shut the door in his deathly gorgeous face. Before I got the chance to, he skill fully pushes me against the door and whispers with a sweet voice: 'I'm sorry, darling, but that's not true, as you must have seen, there are plenty of ways to stop you. I can't let that happen, nor will I loose you. You know you're mine, you have always been.' With that he licks his lips, something that used to drive me mad with lust.

Now, looking into his cold eyes en listen to his disturbing words, I don't find him attractive. He looks like the devil to me. I curse at myself, why didn't I see this side of him before, why didn't I call 911 the second I found about his dark side. Nevertheless I am not giving up so easy, he is going to pay, he just doesn't know it yet.

Thanks for reading the first chapter! I know it's kinda boring and very short, but I promise it will get very spicy and heartbreaking! Would love to have tips and if the grammar or spelling is wrong please alert me. English is not my first language, but I'm trying! See you next time! Xx

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