Chapter 2

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Right now I have to make sure this situation doesn't escalate. If that's the case, I know I will never make it to the police station safely. Thinking about the things I discovered early today, makes me want to hurt him. Physically and emotionally, the bastard deserves the pain. However, in this particular moment it would be pretty stupid to try anything. The look on his face is deadly. If I make him believe I am calmed down and are no longer that mad, this will give me the opportunity to get out of his sight. Be ready for an award winning acting scene!

Wiping away tears out of angry, I say with a small voice, almost a whisper: 'Alright then, try and explain this mess to me, let's sit down en talk.'

He only pushes me more in the door, and growls in my ear.

'Sweetie, we both know I ain't that dumb, I see right through your little plan, in the end I know you the best.' The last words he whispers in such a seductive tone, any girl would melt.

After making his statement, he backs away a little. Instantly I forget about my plan, keeping it cool and regaining his trust. I give him a knee in the balls. While he groans from the unexpected pain, I leave no time to open the apartment door, locking it from the outside with the digital door pad high tech buildings like these come with. This will give me a heads up, because opening the lock from the inside is pretty damn hard. Jason told me that the impeccable lock was to make sure thieves can't get out, if they would even get in. I highly doubt he was actually talking about some robbers that were looking for cheap cash. After the small hiccup of locking the door, I run down the stairs as fast as I can.

When I am finally on the ground floor from the 25 story building, I feel my wrist getting snatch by a strong man. Thinking it was Jason, I keep struggling in his grip. But turning my head I look in to the browns eyes of a dear friend of mine and Jason's.

While he looks at me a bit surprised en shocked, I start to ramble. He clearly doesn't get me, but give me a break. I am still catching my breath.

'Ethan, pff, Ethan, pff, we gotta go, pfff, Jason , pfff, he's dangerous.' I try to say, while also trying to not pass out from a lack of air. Guess working out is something, I should have done more often.

In that second a displeased Jason looks at me, he's eyes showing anger. 'She found the contract with the Knights, the full paperwork!' He screams at Ethan, me again mentally cursing myself for believing Ethan was just as innocent as I was. They probably were in the business together, after all they have know each other most of their lives.

Instantly regretting stopping in the hallway, I pick up my pace again. Unfortunately I feel Jason's arms slip around my waste, seconds later. While he forcefully gets a hold of me, he speaks to me in voice so cruel, it makes shivers come down my back.

'Shouldn't you know better, that wasn't smart, angel. Now shut up and start walking back.' I feel a gun in on my back.

I try to look strong. I just can't help but see how my entire body trembles and my eyes are feel watery. I feel like screaming, kicking and biting. That's of little use when there is a gun practically in your face. I get one last glance, the streets are empty, and then I am being pulled away. Usually I can put on a brave front , but seeing what they did to girls like me, makes me want to shit my pants.

Standing in the elevator, a gun still pointing at me, I simply can't keep my opinions to myself.

'So Ethan you're also a sick fucker, what a waste of talent you know.' He slaps me, hard enough for me to fall to the ground. Jason signals to Ethan that he should ignore me and Ethan willingly follows up that order.

This only riles me up further. 'So you're not just helping that fucker, but are also doubling as his lapdog.' I say while wiping the blood of my lips. Ethan doesn't give me any reaction whatsoever, it's like my remarks go straight past him.

A loud bang, makes my heroic moment pass, as Jason bangs his fist against de elevator doors. ' I swear to fucking God, if you let one more word cross your lips, I'll cut out your tongue and force it down your throat .'

Standing back up, I keep shaking. One single silent tear runs down my cheeks, how the hell did I get caught up in this hot mess? But far more important, how am I gonna get out of all this trouble?

Thanks for reading, means a lot to me. I know kinda boring chapter, again. But I promise after the story gets a good start, it will get a lot messier!

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