Happy Ending?

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Akashi left Kuroko alone until morning came. He kinda feel bad for doing this to him, but he had to. To teach him what happens when he defy him. He took a bath and came to check on Kuroko.

(Akashi's POV)

I opened the door to my room and saw that Tetsuya was still asleep. I approached him and saw lots of dried up tears on his plump cheeks. It made my heart...break seeing him in this state. I calmed myself and woke him up slowly from his sleep.

Akashi : Tetsuya, wake up. It's already morning.

Kuroko : H..hm?

*Kuroko realised his situation*

Kuroko : A-AKASHI! P-PLEASE RELEASE M-ME NOW *sob* I'm r-really scared, please *sobs heavily*

Akashi : Shhh I'll release you in a second, Tetsuya. Please wait a minute okay?

*Akashi took of the blindfold and the chains from Tetsuya*

Akashi : Oh my... Looks like I left some scars on your beautiful body.

Kuroko : W-WHY DID YOU L-LEAVE ME ALONE A-AKASHI *sobs heavily*

Akashi : I'm sorry my dear Tetsuya, I really am.

Kuroko : *cries* I-I l-love you. So p-please d-don't leave me a-again.

Akashi was shocked to hear him say that. He would never thought Kuroko would say that to him after all that happened.

Akashi : Did you just say you love me Tetsuya?

Kuroko : Y-yes A-Akashi, I-I love y-you, I c-can't live without you. Please, n-never leave me alone anymore *sob*

Akashi : Of course, Tetsuya. I'll never leave you alone anymore, I'll love you and cherish you until you die.

Akashi kissed Kuroko's lips. Kuroko was surprised at first, but soon made himself comfortable and accepted the kiss. The kiss was so passionate that it made Kuroko felt like he was in ecstasy. They kissed and kissed until Akashi broke it.

Akashi : Let's go get you cleaned up, shall we?

Kuroko nodded and Akashi carried him bridal style to the bathroom. After the bath, Akashi put on some cream and bandaged the marks received from the chains on Kuroko. Kuroko winced in pain sometimes, but Akashi cooed him saying that it will end soon. Kuroko felt safe and secure when Akashi said that, and soon dozed off to sleep.

(Akashi's POV)

Tetsuya fell asleep while I was treating him. Oh how cute is he? I just want to eat him up.

(End Of POV)

Akashi brought Kuroko to the bed and kissed him. "Have a good sleep, my love".

They both live "happily ever after". Kuroko doesn't feel like escaping anymore, and Akashi treats him gently. Kuroko believes that Akashi did all this because he loves him, and felt guilty for trying to escape before. They spend their days together until the end of time.

"Till death do us part".

IT'S FINALLY FINISHED!!! I'm sorry if the ending was boring and not to your expectations, but honestly I don't wanna torture the poor boi anymore, so please bear with it
( ̄▽ ̄)

Thank you so much for reading, and I'll see you next time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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