Chapter twelve: the town line

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Standing next to Peter, wrapped in his protective arms, Lillian stared at the ice wall as Elsa brought it down. 

''Okay, now can we go back home?'' As Anna almost wanted to cross the town line, Lillian felt a rush of magic go through her body, she quickly extended her arm, making Anna stop right where she stood.

''Hang on, there is something wrong with the town line.'' She walked towards the line and held her arm in front of her, tapping a barrier. ''Some of your aunt's magic remains here.'' As she looked at the Arendelle royalty, she sighed. ''Leaving this town had never been easy.'' 

''So how do we get back home?'' Anna looked at her sister as Peter chuckled. 

''So sorry to break it to you princess, but walking isn't going to get you back there. You are in a different realm. To get there, you need some sort of portal.'' He explained, allowing Lily to walk under his arm again as he placed it around her shoulders, kissing the side of her head. 

''Well, let's find it then, we have to hurry.'' Anna turned back to her sister and gasped. ''We didn't tell her? Arendelle has been conquered -- by Hans and his twelve brothers.'' 

''Emma, we have to find a way back. Now.'' 

Lillian felt responsible to find a portal, not only did she hold magic, but Rumple did some bad things to Anna, and Lillian felt as if she needed to fix that. She was reading through a lot of books that she owned, but she didn't even have half of it. 

After she cut herself off of Rumple, she didn't sleep in his house anymore, and she didn't set foot in the shop. So, she had the minimum of sources to her disposal. She was flipping through another book before throwing it across the room, hitting the wall next to a door that was just about to open.

''Am I not welcome?'' She looked up to see Peter walk in, a bouquet of flowers in hands. He chuckled before shutting the door behind him and walking up to his wife, kissing her before handing her the bouquet.

''The room is so empty, I thought it could be cheered up a bit.'' She gave a soft nod as she took the flowers, walking up to the spot in her window and putting them in a vase. 

He was right, the room was empty except for a bed and a closet which they shared. Yes, they shared a room and a bed, when they weren't married yet, and even in the first few weeks of marriage, they did not sleep in the same room. She was staying with Rumple and he was staying with the lost boys.

Now that the lost boys were back in camp, Baelfire had offered Peter and Lily his empty room. So, now the three of them lived in one house, Baelfire slept on the other side of the wall and was making sure there was always breakfast, Peter got the groceries and Lily made the diner. Most times, lunch was very confusing because no-one was actually at home at that time. 

''Sorry for throwing a book at you.'' They chuckled as he opened his arms, letting her crawl under his chin and him putting his head on hers. ''I just wish that everything would be normal, well, our understandably of normal. I'm getting messed up in the head from having to defeat villains.

''I get it love, but our normal was Neverland, and Neverland is no longer with us. It's gone.'' 

''I know ... but that doesn't mean I don't miss it.''  

Hearing about Robin crossing the town line, Lillian rushed to it. She was running at full speed. Robin was about to cross when he saw Lily. She frowned but waited for her to catch up. 

''Lillian, what are you doing here?''

''Two reasons. One, to say goodbye.'' She hugged him, the two of them had become quite close in the past few months. They smiled as they let go of one another. ''Second, to make you a promise -- I will not rest until I find a way for the three of you to come back to Storybrooke. Because the two of you deserve to be together.'' 

Robin and Regina smiled at the young teenager before Robin pulled Regina into a heated and passionate kiss. She sobbed before he had to let go of her hand, resulting in Lillian holding the older woman, trying to provide some comfort to her. 

The three housemates were all sitting in the kitchen along side Henry, he had just finished explaining that Killian had somehow found a portal with help of Rumpelstiltskin. All three of them frowned at Henry who raised his shoulders. None of them really trusted Rumple now-a-days.

They knew that he would never help anyone without there being something for him to profit from. 

''I don't trust this a bit ... ''

''Neither do I lily, neither do I ... '' Bae pushed his arm around her shoulders, he pulled her closer as Peter and Henry looked at one another. 

Lily and Peter stood a bit behind, not knowing the royals of Arendelle that well, they just wanted to make sure that Rumple wasn't playing them. Anna and Kristoff embraced David and Elsa embraced Emma before saying her thanks to Lillian. 

''Please, thank Hook an Mr. Gold for us as well.'' Lily gave a tiny nod, looking as Elsa and Kristoff stepped through the portal, but Anna turned back to them.

''I wish I could have met this Mr. Gold, he sound super helpful, who was he in our world? He must have been a fairy godfather, wasn't he?''

''Not really, you may know him as the dark one?'' Anna's eyes widened at Peter's words, explaining that she did know him to the others. 

''Lying bastard, Anna, you have to go. Now. We have to get to him before he does something that will destroy us all.'' Lillian, Bae and Peter already started to tun out of the house, the others following closely. 

''Gold stop!'' Emma, Lillian, Peter and the rest of the family rushed into the clock tower. When Lily saw the hat and Killian's heart in her old mentor's hand, she knew what he was up to. Her eyes widened as she looked at her cousin, she wanted to run up the stairs, but Rumple stopped her. 

''I'm sorry I can't. I've waited too long for this.'' He waved his hand and they stopped on their spot. Peter's eyes drawn to Lily before Rumple tried to crush her cousin's heart, being unable to do so. 

''Why can't I --''

''Because I commanded you not to.'' Belle was standing behind him, dagger in hand as she glared at him, looking at Lillian and Hook before shaking her head at her husband.

''Drop the heart, now release everyone.'' As soon as she said that, Lillian was up the stairs, pushing her cousin's heart back into his chest, glaring at her former mentor, ready to pull his heart out and crush it. Well aware that it wouldn't kill him, but it would hurt. 

''Now take me to the town line, because we need to be alone for what comes next.'' They disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke. Lillian stared at the spot as she shook her head. She looked at Peter who gave a slight nod, walking upstairs and taking her into his arms. Well aware that she needed someone to be there for her. 

 She felt Rumple taking steps back, until he couldn't anymore. He had crossed the town line, the blood connection was gone. And once more, Lillian had no parents.

So ... a lot has happened in these days. I graduated high school!!!!!!!! I can't believe it, I'm going to collage in a few months! I hope you have a great summer, and for all my fellow graduates: YOU DID IT! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did leave a vote, comment, follow and maybe even a theory/suggestion for my story. I'l see you soon! 

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