Ch. 8 ♡

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"Tienes un novio!?"

After I came back home from our date, I immediately had to tell my parents that Jack and I are together. It felt wrong not to do so. My mom was yelling at me and my dad was just listening.

"Yeah but–" I sighed, "I swear I'm not gonna get pregnant before I graduate like you always talk about. Jack's a great guy– Mom, I like him a lot."

She groaned and sat down, looking at my dad. He shrugged his shoulders, "is he a good guy? No drugs? Good grades?"

"Yes," I answered, "he's smart, nice, he has two jobs to take care of his mom."

"Bring him over some time so we can meet him," he said and got up to go upstairs. I looked over at my mom, she asked for a picture of him. We never took any, but I said that I'll introduce Jack to them next Friday.

I took out my phone to start a group FaceTime with everyone, "guys! Jack asked me to be his girlfriend!"

"I thought he did that weeks ago!?" Dani yelled into the phone, "Congratulations, though!"

"Yeah!" Monique cheered on, "the second person who's got a boyfriend. Except Blair's leaving soon."

Blair shook Monique's comment off, "we have to go on a double date before I go. Promise?"

"Yeah if there's time," I said, "I just wanted to call you guys before I collapse on my bed to sleep. Good night."

I ended the call and started to get ready– for the first 10 minutes of laying down, I couldn't fall asleep. The moment of Jack asking me to be his girlfriend in the park replayed in my head a thousand times before I could drift off.


Jack's Point of View

I couldn't contain my excitement– I wanted to run away and do backflips because the happiness inside me was exploding. Now that Jamie and I were official, it was like my life was coming together. I turned off the engine and locked the car before going inside my house. Mom was sitting there in front of the television again, but she turned to face me.

"Jack, you've been going out a lot more. What are you doing?"

In the past three months, I finally reported my mom to the well-ness institution and she was put into rehab. She was also seeing a therapist and taking anti-depressants for her condition, she was getting better.

"I–" I smiled, "I've been going on dates. There's this girl, Jamie. She's my girlfriend."

She didn't respond right away, but as she started to process the information she smiled too, "if you guys get serious later, I want to meet her– if I get better."

I nodded and went back to my room to change into my pajamas. I happily sighed and jumped onto my bed– it was the best day of my life.


"I'm nervous."

Jamie and I stood in front of her house as she unlocked the door.

"Don't be– they're gonna be intimidating but that's because they don't know how to talk to new people. They freaked out and thought Monique and I were dating when she first came over too."

My hands were shaking and so wanted to cry. It's been a couple of weeks since Jamie and I started to date and her parents started to ask about me.

"What if they don't like me–"

Jamie opened the door and we were greeted by warm air. Her mom was cooking dinner in the kitchen, a little girl was drawing on the table, and her dad was coming down the stairs.

"Hey!" Her dad greeted as soon as he saw me, "Jack? I'm Jose."

He offered his hand to me and I shook it, "nice to meet you, Jose. I'm Jamie's boyfriend."

"I heard," He laughed, "she talks about you a lot–"

"Dad! God," She pulled me into the kitchen to meet her mom, "Mom– this is Jack."

"Oh, hi!" She pulled me into a hug, "so you're the guy that stole Jamie's heart. I'm Angeline."

"H– hi, nice to meet you," I nervously laughed.

"I'm so glad to finally see you, Jack. Jamie always talks–"

"Okay!" Jamie pulled me away by my hand before her mom could go on. This time we sat down on the carpet with the little girl I saw earlier.

Jamie did some hand signals to her– I think it was sign language.

"Yasmin, this is my boyfriend, Jack. We're dating, you know– like holding hands and kissing," Jamie said out loud as she signed.

Her little sister looked at me and waved, then signing something to me. Jamie laughed and replied back, then waved it off.

"She asked if we were going to get married and have another kid so she could have a friend," She said to me, "I said no– maybe in the future."

I smiled at her, Jamie's family seemed so put together and nice. They've been friendly to me so far, it wasn't a lie when I say that I'm a little jealous.

"How'd it happen? If you don't mind me asking," I looked over at Yasmin who was still drawing on her paper.

"She was just born like that," Jamie grabbed a paper and crayons to hand to me, "I think she was almost a year old when she lost hearing in both ears. It's fine, my parents and I took ASL classes for two years so we could talk to me. I'm just worried about when she goes into school.."

Her thoughts trailed off as she started to draw on her paper. I thought Jamie didn't have much to worry about, considering that she was always so positive when it comes to life problems.

Yasmin drew a picture of the three of us playing at the park and told Jamie it was something she wanted to do. Through Jamie, I told Yasmin some stories of me when I was younger– climbing trees, playing hockey, and fighting with my sisters. She laughed at all my memories and grew fonder of me.

The dinner wasn't as awkward as I thought– her dad and I were talking the entire time about sports, especially soccer and hockey. Jamie and her mom would make a few remarks here and there to catch my attention, but her dad would steer the topic back. Jamie and I cleaned everything up for them and I said my goodbyes because they had to wake up early for work, but the two of us and Yasmin were going to stay up and watch a movie.

"We're watching a scary movie," Jamie stated as she connected her phone to the tv, "The Cabin in The Woods."

"There is a child present," I defended Yasmin as I saw her jump when she saw the title cover for the movie, "let's watch a comedy movie, I heard Let's Be Cops is a good one."

"Let's just watch a show then, have heard of The Office?"


"Okay I'll start on episode one."

Jamie and I sat next to each other– my arm around her and her head laying on me. Yasmin was already asleep on Jamie's lap as we continued to watch Michael– one of the main characters– yell at everyone.

There wasn't anything more I could ask for except for being right here, right now with Jamie.

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