--First Kill--

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The corruption pulsed throughout his body, breaking it apart but keeping it together. he felt his soul break and come back, everything fall apart but come together. and this is how he was stuck, in perpetual agony and pain, unable to feel anything but the pain, the sorrow, he couldn't save anyone from him, from that monster, everyone died and stayed dead, no resets, no continue, no nothing. just pain.

The boys large wings sat there with bits of cloth hanging from them, remnants of his old shirt, leaving him bare chested. he sat there on his hands and knees staring at the ground with blackening blood on the ground in front of him, glitching, disappearing, reappearing. DJ slowly looked up, it felt as if someone was forcing his head down, sitting on him, as if gravity is getting stronger on him. once his head was high enough, he looked the man- or skeleton -in the eye and whispered "i will get revenge" before his body seemed to feel nothing anymore.

he felt stuck now, as if time had frozen but the objects did not, he felt strong enough to move but too angry to stand. he looked up at error with a newfound strength and lunged full speed at him. error teleported away "there is no point stupid glitch, your lost anyways, just give up!" DJ turned around and stared at error. the world had darkened considerably and DJ's body felt different, light, as if it were dust but still in the form of his body. this allowed DJ to lunge way too fast and far.

Error dodged again and DJ flew into a wall shoulder first, surprisingly only minimally stunning him but still it stunned him long enough for error to pin him in place. error came over and spoke calmly "this is your fault you know, you would not stop trying to stop me, just like that other group of glitches and mistakes" DJ struggled so hard but nothing worked and error just continued "you all thought fighting me would stop me? no, it just makes me mad, and now i get to show them what happens when i get angry" error approached DJ and grabbed his soul as it stuck out, a few strings wrapped around it and started to pull.

DJ felt his body start to get a burning feeling as his soul was getting ripped from his body. DJ screamed in pain and anger as he grabbed the bones that had pinned him to the wall. noticing how they seemed to just be phasing through him, they hurt but didnt damage him. DJ noticed this and closed his eyes for a moment and let himself go. his mind was completely blank but after a second it slowly brightened to a dim setting, through the dark haze he could see his mind make up the words 'pain off' DJ was confused by this but didnt question his unique thinking patterns.

DJ then snapped his eyes open and looked at his shoulder at the bone, then a pulse of adrenaline like feeling hit him, making him numb, he then ripped his shoulder out angrily and then pressed his feet against the wall and launched off and hit the ground. as he hit he went onto his hands and knees again then launched up "YOU'LL REGRET TOUCHING MY AU, BITCH!!" DJ sprinted at error as he walked through the portal, error turned around with a face of confusion and annoyance "how are you-" error quickly teleported away as DJ seemingly cleared the entire judgement hall in two seconds. when DJ jumped through the portal, he stabbed a bone into the ground where he thought error was.

A short second later, many bones stabbed into the ground all around DJ. DJ the looked under the bones and didnt see error, he then looked around angrily for error then saw him a few feet away "ERROR!!" DJ lunged again, error made a portal last second to a different AU and watched in satisfaction as DJ struck a random Sarah from a different AU in the chest. DJ growled loudly and threw the body away to come face to face with a heavily armoured DJ who had a large bone, watching with a horrified expression.

but the savage DJ did not know who that person was, his anger had shortsighted him, had clogged his mind, error is playing with him now, and only 5 minutes later DJ had killed the entire AU by firing a gaster blaster into the ground. Error was happy to see the world burn around DJ and as for DJ, all he could see is a blurred brightness but when he saw error his vision slightly cleared. he stared error in his eyes "i guess i could use you" Error pointed at the world around DJ, the dragons blaster and covered the land in a thick layer of flame and all DJ could do was realise his mistake and his true power.

Error walked up and offered a hand "come on, join me, unleash your anger on others" DJ had enjoyed the sound of that "come, my little .exe, lets purge some glitches" DJ.exe ignored the pain of killing and realised his strength, he looked down at his arms and saw a single black mark appear, it seemed to glow when he used his ability. he clamped down on it and looked at error 'if you cant kill them...join them' he then whispered to himself "time to get some tattoos"

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