Ruby: ruby first attempt at spiderman and she's pretty impress with it. She's not very good at coloring, but for her first attempt she's please with it. Here's to SSGSSGogetaGodDad for making a request giving ruby a chance to test her skills so far. So here's her first drawing
Ruby: and now here's her edited vision
Ruby: that's all for now folks! Ohh wait here's another thing. Ruby decide to make note so she could keep track of what she uses for her coloring like for this one. She use a Crayola red, prismacolor crimson red, and a water color red. She only has one water color and it still look amazing so she can't wait for one day when she gets more. That's all
My art "Old and somewhat new"
RandomPix: You can pretty much guess from the Tittle so begun. Ruby: Everything is done by us. Event the cover. Enjoy!