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[•] (Y/n), Tippi, and Mario arrived at Flipside. They were at the top of the Flipside Tower. Merlon was waiting.

[•] 'Did he expect us?' She thought. (Y/n) was extremely confused. She sat down by Mario, hoping for an explanation. She was utterly bewildered. All she wanted to do was visit Peach.

[•] "Father Merlon, what's going on?" She asked him. Merlon shook his head, "It's best that you stay out of it. It's for your own safety."

[•] She felt hurt, but she didn't complain. She took a series of elevators until she was home.

[•] She unlocked her door and plopped down on her couch. She sat and watched 'Sweet Smiles Kitchen". A show that was made for Saffron.

[•] She was getting uncomfortable. She felt watched, so she took a walk. She left Flipside and went to a park in the Mushroom Kingdom. She sat in a bench that was in next to a tree and had a pond in front of it.

[•] She sighed, feeling relaxed.

[•] She felt at peace. She felt centered with the universe. She fell asleep on that bench, just snoozing softly.


[•] (Y/n) stirred to the point where she woke up. She looked around and couldn't see anything. 'This isn't my house' She thought. Her head was buzzing with questions. She jumped out of the mysterious bed and felt around for some kind of switch. She only fell a bunch of times before her eyes adjusted. She was able to see the silhouette of a lamp. She switched it on.

[•] She had no idea where she could even possibly be. "H-hello? Is a-anyone there?" She called out. She heard the nearby creaking of a door opening. "Ah ha ha, how nice to see you've woken up. Did you sleep well?" Someone asked. You didn't see anyone. "Huh? Yeah I slept fine, but who are you and where am I?" You demanded.

[•] They chuckled, "How rude of me not to introduce myself. I am Count Bleck's master of dimensions, pleaser of crowds... I am... Dimentio! Remember the name well, (Y/n)."

[•] (Y/n) was getting tired of riddles. "Yeah, yeah, this is all peaches and cream, but where are you?" She growled. She felt someone behind her. Her (E/c) eyes widened in fear as she whipped around to face her foe.

[•] It was a guy in a purple and yellow cloak, a purple and yellow jester hat, puffy black pants, elf-like shoes, and a black and white mask. (Y/n) just about fell over.

[•] She stopped to catch her breath from being startled. "Okay, so why-" she panted,
"-why'd you kidnap me?"

[•] Dimentio shook his head. "Kidnap is a... Strong word, don't you think?" He asked. (Y/n) was on the verge of completely ending this guy's game. "Okay, look. I'm done with riddles! What the hell do you want from me and why?!" She snapped.

[•] "Hmmm. Fiesty. Well, dear (Y/n), we simply want your addition to the team, that is all." He said simply. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow, "We? There's others?" She asked, bewildered. He smiled. "Indeed. You are the daughter to Merlon, correct?" "Yeah, how'd you know and what's it to you?"

[•] "I was just making sure we were on the right track." (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine, whatever, but why did you take me?" She asked, desperately and trying not to cry.

[•] "Because, you can help." He said. She just looked at him, "Help what?"

[•] "You can help us fulfill the prophecy." He said.
(Y/n) sighed in defeat, "Fine whatever. I'll help with your prophecy or whatever. Can- can I just... Be alone? Please?" Dimentio nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. (Y/n) curled up in the bed and sobbed. She didn't want to be here, she wanted to be back with her family and friends. She wanted to be in her own house, in her own room, on her own bed.

[•] She continued to sob quietly.

[•] Someone opened the door, and she stopped, even though she was still hiccuping from the crying. "Oh, (Y/n). You in here?" A female voice called out. She sat up and turned around. She was facing a short green girl with pigtails. "Oh, uhh, hi." (Y/n) greeted. The girl waved back, hiding something behind her with her other hand.

[•] "I made you a 'Welcome to the Team' cookie!" She said happily. (Y/n) took it with gratitude. "Oh, thanks!" She said. "No problem! I'm Mimi! I'm sure you've met Dimentio by now. He SHOULD have told you about me, but he's mad at me." Mimi said, rolling her eyes.

[•] "Well, why's he mad?" (Y/n) asked. Mimi shook her head, "He pulled a prank on me and I locked him in a box for an hour."

[•] You looked away awkwardly, then back at her. "Huh." Was all (Y/n) said. "Well, anyways, I'm gonna go. Dinner's in an hour. Take the time to introduce yourself to the others if you like." She said before leaving. You looked around, observing more of your new room.

[•] There was a plain wooden vanity, a plain brown writing desk, a plain brown wardrobe, a plain wooden chair, a black and white double bed, dark grey carpeting, and the walls were black. "Could use some touching up." She said to herself. She exited the room, leaving the door cracked a bit.

[•] She knocked on the door across from her. An "Enter." could be heard from inside. She opened the door and walked in. "Umm... Hello?" She asked. "Over here." A voice said. You looked behind the door. She saw a girl as short as Mimi, sitting on her bed, reading. She was blue, had magenta hair, was dressed professionally, and wore pointy red glasses.

[•] She looked at her. "Hey, I'm Nastasia. I'm Count Bleck's personal assistant." She said.
(Y/n) smiled, "Nice to meet you! I'm-" Nastasia cut her off, "(Y/n), I know." She smiled. (Y/n) observed the room. The walls were pink and purple, the carpeting was white. She had a twin bed with purple covers. The desk she was at was white with a pink stool. She had some graphs and charts on the walls, along with movie posters. She also had a large walk-in closet.

[•] Her room was very nice.

[•] "Well, I'm going to go meet everyone else. Bye, Nastasia!" She said. Nastasia smiled and waved, before going back to her book. (Y/n) shut the door behind her. She then walked to the room next to Nastasia's.

[•] She knocked on that door. "Come in, but it better not be Mimi!" A guy called from within. She opened the door. There was a big, muscular guy. He seemed to be watching a wrestling match.

[•] "Hi." She said, catching his attention. "Oi, you mus' be the new recruit Nastasia's been ramblin' 'bout. Name's O'Chunks, lass." He greeted. He seemed nice enough. "I'm (Y/n)!" She greeted in return.

[•] She observed his room. The wall was dark blue, the carpeting was black, he had wrestling posters on his wall, a TV, a dresser, a table and some chairs, and a large bed.

[•] Pretty cool.

[•] "Well, I'm gonna get going, get acquaintanced with the others. See ya, O'Chunks!" She said, closing the door behind her.

[•] She went to the room across from O'Chunks. She was going to knock on that door, but it was obviously Mimi's.

[•] She already met Mimi and Dimentio, so why bother right now?

[•] (Y/n) decided to go back to her room and lay out on the bed. What was she going to do here?

Phew, finished another chapter. My thumbs frickin' hurt. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed it, I'm gonna take a nap now. Until my next update! Stay happy, stay nice, and don't forget to stay you! Bye!~


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