⚡️chapter 1⚡️

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Monday, October 5, 2019

(Ik it's not even October yet and I don't even know if October 5 is a Monday, but in this fan fiction it is)

(Kami's POV)

"Damn Shinsou" I dazed "look at her, she's so hot."
"Your drooling there, Kami." I could hear Shinsou snicker "oh shut the fuck up" I laughed and wiped the drool from my face, "if you like her so much, just ask her out bro." Said Sero from across the table "you KNOW I can't do that" I shot him a glance "that's Mina Ashido, the most popular girl in school if you weren't paying attention" I cried "hey doesn't mean you don't have a shot with her" Shinsou added to Sero's comment "of course that means I don't have a shot with her" I drawled back "she sleeps with like half the guys here! They all want her, especially the hot football guys and she will go for them. Not me." I concluded "are you trying to tell us you don't have a shot or that your secretly gay?" Shinsou laughed "oh shut up!!" I laughed and hit him playfully. I looked back over to Mina "I'm gonna go talk to her." I started to get up
"There ya go bro!" I heard Kirishima yell and pump up his fist "finally goddamn" Bakugou drawled "aye shut up you haven't confessed to your crush yet" I snapped at him
"Shut your fucking mouth, Kaminari" Bakugou threatened. I snickered and walked away, as I was walking I heard Midoriya whine, "Kacchan why didn't you tell me? I thought we were friends!" And everyone else laughing because he was so oblivious. Everyone knew about Bakugou's huge gay crush for Midoriya, well except Midoriya of course. "SHUT UP FUCKING BROCCOLI" I heard Bakugou screech "oh okay Kacchan sorry" I could tell Bakugou felt guilty when he softly said "its fine Deku whatever" and turned away, blushing. I shook my head and focused on the task ahead, talking to Mina. I casually tried walking up to her, and her friend group. Oh god there's way to many people, I can't do this! I dashed back to my table screaming "abort mission!! Abort mission!" And ran to my seat.
"What happened bro?" Shinsou asked "I can't. Nope. Nah. Too many people." I shook my head "don't shake your head to hard, your small ass brain might fall out." Sero retorted "shut up"
"Make me bitch"
"I fucking will"
"Alright, please do not fight guys" Midoriya cut in "alright whatever" I sulked and leaned back in my seat, just to be reminded that it was the cafeteria and there was no back to the seat. But I didn't realize that until I fell. Ouch.
"Dude what are you doing?" Shinsou asked and looked back at me "well I was sitting back in my chair" I pouted, rubbing the back of my head/neck. "You do realize-" Shinsou started "that theres no backing to this chair?" I finished for him "yeah, I figured it out half way to the fucking floor" I grumbled, he laughed "welp good thing your not completely retarded" he retorted "wow are you insensitive" I grumped "fine fine I'm sorry, is your big head okay? Wouldn't wanna damage your ego there big guy!" He laughed "fucking jerk" I pouted and socked him playfully in the arm "ouch, abusive much?" He joked "okay, I'm gonna try again!" I said excitedly "there's the spirit!" Kirishima pumped his fist up "yeah!" I'm hyped now. I got up and confidently strides over to her group, more ready than ever. I got up to her, tapped her shoulder and-

The bell rang. Of course. "Yes?" She asked me, I snapped out of my trance and just muttered a "oh ummm do you want to be my lab partner?" I panicked and asked "sure! Sounds nice!" She smiled, damn that smile. She's so pretty and nice too "great!" I smiled and walked back to my group "well?" Sero asked "well... the bell made me nervous and I chickened out but she's my lab partner today so that's a plus." I said while we walked to our class "nice bro" Shinsou said "yea especially since Chemistry is our next class" Kirishima smiled "yup!" I jumped and smiled as we got to our Chemistry class. "Hello... class." Aizawa sensei came into class "hi-" the rest of the class started "Yeah yeah whatever. Take your fucking seats and work on what I have on the board I'm going to sleep." He jumped into his sleeping bag as me and my friends dispersed and went to our seats. I sat next to Mina because she was my partner (yay) And tried to start some casual conversation because the board said 'free time at your goddamn seats brats' so I started with "hey, so how's life been?"
"It's been pretty good" she replied then added "how has life been for you?" She asked "it's been alright." I answered and went to doodling in my notebook (me being the MOST awkward I can be :>) when suddenly she asked "so... got a crush on anyone here?" I looked up, puzzled if she really asked that. When I confirmed she actually did in fact ask that I answered with a simple "yeah, do you?"
"Yeah, I do." That peaked my interest "oh really? Who?" I asked "how about this, I'll give you hints and if you guess you tell me yours" she said "alright deal." And we shook on it "okay so hints... hmm...." she tapped her finger to her chin wondering what to say to me "he is in this class." She agreed on "well that really clears things up since there's about 40 dudes in this class" I retorted, smiling "fine, fine" she laughed "He has blond, orangish hair with black in it" she said, smiling while I looked around the room trying to figure out who the fuck it was "wha?" I asked "look in a mirror, stupid." Then I realized. She liked me?? Oh shit (a/n oh shit *jump jump* it's a bitch, sorry I had to)
"Wait you like.. me?" I asked, genuinely confused "yes! Of course silly" she laughed and I blurted out "will you be my girlfriend then?" Once I realized that was out loud I covered my hands over my mouth in embarrassment "yes Kami I will" she laughed and kissed me.

•timeskip to after class/school•

Me, Sero, Kiri, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Shinsou walked out of school talking about memes while Bakugou and Midoriya flirted obliviously, "so..." started Sero "Yeah?" I asked "how'd it go bro?" Kiri asked, I decided to play puppy "how'd what go?" I asked but Shinsou didn't buy it "you know what he's talking about, Kami"
"Fine, ya got me." I started "oh and it was pretty good. Oh and she's my girlfriend now." I smirked, I liked saying that. That I belonged to someone and they belonged to me. "WHAT?! BRO!" Kirishima yelled "Yeah." I smiled "damn okay Kami, I see you." Shinsou laughed "whatever" I laughed
"Can I come over by the way?" He asked
"Yeah, sure!" I smiled
"Thanks, I'm gonna get grounded if I come back tonight"
"Why?" I asked "cos I sneaked out to drive my sis to her boyfriends house, they found out." He responded "oh oof yeah good luck, you can spend the night too my parents don't care as always." I cringed thinking what kind of punishment Aizawa sensei would give him. Yeah, that's right, Aizawa sensei and out other teacher, Present Mic sensei are Shinsou's dads that's why I feel so bad for him and his sister, Eri who's probably getting punished right now.
The conversation carried on before Bakugou asked "so you gonna fuck her?" I saw Midoriya cringe and yell "Kacchan! That's not what you ask someone!" I laughed but said in all seriousness "not today but I will most definitely."
"Oh damn okay" he responded, and I decided to embarrass him a little "well when are you gonna fuck Midoriya?" I asked with all 'innocence' I could see him freak out and blush and when he couldn't get his words together Midoriya answered "w- we aren't even together!" He screeched and I laughed "mhm... not YET. Bye guys!" And with that I ran to escape Bakugou's wrath.

Hiya~ while I am a girl, (and a raging lesbian) call me dad. Anyways sorry for the lack of ShinKami (what you asked for) buuuut that'll come very very VERY soon I promiseeeeee btw I'm doing a dayskip so in this chapter it is Monday but next chapter it will be Friday. Anyways hope you enjoy!

•question of the day•
Q- what is your guys favorite color?

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