⚡️chapter 3⚡️

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I'm sorry but their sooo cuteee!! ^^^

Saturday, October 10th, 2019

Kaminari's POV

The secretly gay dumbass groupchat

Kami- okay 1. What the fuck who named this?
2. Baku, Midoriya, Sero, Kiri wanna come over?

Baku- fuck no

Midoriya- yeah! Sure! Sounds fun!!! Come on Kacchan, lighten up a bit!

Baku- ughhhhh fine, whatever

Sero- fuck yeah I'm down

Kiri- ^^^ same bro

Shin~shin- 1. Nice
2. Who ever the fuck named me this needs to fucking change it NOW

Baku- no cursing while the children are around

Kami- Midoriya, the 15 year old child.

Midoriya- whaaa me?

Shin~shin- fine then. WHOMEVER the fuck changed my name change it the fuck back now

Kami- well... we'll be waiting pls hurry the fuck Up before Shin finds out I changed his name!

Shin~shin- I just did, bitch.

Sero- you stoopid

Kiri- I'm here!!

Kami- nice, Kay bye

"Hiya Kiri!" I greeted as Kirishima entered followed by Sero, Midoriya, and a tired looking Bakugou. He was definitely dragged here. "Hiya bro!" He replied "hi Midoriyaaaaaa" I exaggerated his name for effect "hi Kaaaaami" he replied with the same exaggeration and walked in "sup my dude" I fist bumped Sero and he walked in. I let Bakugou let himself in because he was already grumpy (and by let himself in, I mean I let Midoriya drag an unwilling Bakugou in) "sooooo what d'you wanna do?" Sero asked "well..." Shinsou started, appearing from literally no where "what about truth or dare?" He suggested "no nope fuck no." Bakugou glared "come oooon Kacchan it'll be fun!!" Midoriya pleaded with puppy dog eyes "fine you little shit" Bakugou growled "yay! And Kacchan, please refrain from using bad language!" Midoriya asked in literally the nicest way possible (like seriously, who is THIS nice?) "Okay, well, who goes first?" I asked "how about Shinsou, because he suggested the game?!" I heard Midoriya say/ smile and look over to Shinsou. "Okay." Said Shinsou in his usual monotone voice "Sero, truth or dare?" He asked "uhhh truth I guess" Sero replied "you like someone?" Asked a already bored Shinsou, "yeah I do" Sero smiles to himself and said "uh Midoriya , Truth or dare?" He turned to Midoriya , well, we all did honestly. He thought about it before deciding "hmmm um I guess dare!" He smiled "okay I dare you to put on some booty shorts." Sero smirked "um but where will I get them?" Midoriya muttered, obviously nervous "Kami's sister has some, doesn't she?" Sero asked, still smirking "yeah, she does but they are for cheerleading/ gymnastics." I said in all honesty "that's fine." Said a, once again, smirking Sero "f-fine." Stuttered Midoriya as he followed me to go get the shorts. A few minutes later I came back practically rolling with laughter and a very VERY embarrassed Midoriya behind me. Not gonna lie, he looked pretty good in the shorts though. (A/n shoulda known you gay) I looked around to see Bakugou practically drooling and I decided to point it out "heya Baku your uh drooling there a little." I laughed and pointed. I'm pretty sure in his mind, I'm dead right now, I'll probably be dead in real life in a sec though. Bakugou blushed and looked away, once again virtually killing me while Midoriya sat next to him, checking his forehead because he thought that Bakugou's Head was red from a fever. That of course made it worse, though. Bakugou swatted away Midoriya's hand, in embarrassment, claiming he was fine. "Anyways..." Shinsou started "Midoriya it's your turn to truth or dare someone." He finished. "Oh! Right!" Midoriya remembered "hmm Shinsou Truth or dare?" He asked "eh truth" replied Shinsou "is it true you like someone?" Asked Midoriya, curiously "heh. Yeah." Shinsou responded "mkay!" Midoriya smiled and Shinsou turned to Kirishima "Truth or dare, Kiri?" He asked "uhh truth!" Kirishima decided "Kay, is it true you like TetsuTetsu?" He asked "nah I do like someone, but it's not him." Kiri replied wait wha..? "Wait then who DO you like??" I asked, confused "it's a seeecret!" Kirishima smiled and turned to Bakugou "Truth or dare, Baku?" He asked "dare.. I'm not no pussy" Bakugou growled "I dare you to confess who you like!" He smiled, the whole group knew that Baku and Midoriya liked each other. "Fucking bitch" Bakugou spat to Kirishima before turning to Midoriya "Deku. I like you." He closed his eyes "really?" Midoriya asked with a hopeful look "yeah, fuckin' broccoli rip off." Bakugou snarled "I like you too, Kacchan!" Midoriya smiled and leapt over to hug Bakugou "wha- really?" Bakugou asked damn he looked really shocked, it was funny. "Yes really!" Midoriya smiled "oh, then will you be my boyfriend?" Asked Bakugou, this was it. Finally Bakugou has the fucking balls to ask that. "Of course I will Kacchan!" Midoriya squeaked "yay!!!" Everyone cheered "fucking finally!" Shinsou sighed "shut your ass up Shin-hoe." Bakugou growled "okay Walmart Pikachu, Truth or dare?" Bakugou asked me "uhhh Truth." I replied, kind of nervous, I mean, Bakugou is scary! "Is it true that tomorrow your gonna fuck your girlfriend?" He asked, I smirked "well she said she was gonna give me head" I replied "what's head?" I heard Midoriya ask "ummm it's another word for a kiss!" I nervously replied because I mean the broccoli must stay pure! "Oh okay!" He smiled and I laughed, knowing one day he will probably ask Bakugou for head thinking it means kiss "oh I see... get some Sparky" Bakugou said, obviously trying to change the subject because of embarrassment. "Hell yeah I will." I smirked and turned back to Kiri "Kiri, Truth or dare?" I asked "uh truth." He murmured "who do you like? Since it's not TetsuTetsu like we all thought." I asked "oh heh well I like one of my best friends.." he trailed off "anyways.." he finished
"nope imma guess. So it's obviously someone in this room.. Bakugou?" I asked
"..Sero?" I asked, leaning towards Kiri
"Bitch it might be."
"Ooooooh shit" I yelled and turned to Sero "w-what?" He stuttered and we all looked back to Kiri "uh y-yeah" he replied and we looked back to Sero "I uh- uh I like you too Kiri.." he smiled and we all looked back to Kirishima "o-oh really?" Kiri asked and we all looked back to Sero again "yeah.." he said and we all turned back to Kiri, who was blushing like fuckin' crazy "bro I ship" I yelled "what the fuck ya fucking rip off pika pika??" Bakugou looked confused "whaaaat? They're cute together!" I smiled "yeah mhm" Shinsou agreed "seeee Shin-hoe agrees with me!" I defended "don't fucking call me that." Shinsou got up oh shit I'm fucked. I ran around the room before I realized I could hide under a table... but he found me. And that's the story of how I got a concussion.

From, your dad~
Hiya! This was a filler chapter but thanks to whoever read this (btw if you read it or at least this part, your in luck!! So next chapter is pretty much full on ShinKami, there is some smut on both Mina and Shinsou's behalf (with Kami ofc) since I can not rlly write smut (and I'm especially bad at writing straight smut) it's not gonna be the best, Mina and Kami's part isn't that long since that's not what you came here for. Anyways hope you enjoy~
Love, your dad

Question of the day
Q- if you had a Genie, what would your 3 wishes be?

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