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17th July - clubbing

At the club you and the boys all sit at a large table. Reece next to you, he has his hand firmly gripped just above your ass. He's protective of you, something you've never had before.

Reece goes to get you another drink and Connor sneaks up behind you

'Can I have this dance?' He says in a weird voice wrapping his hands round your waist. You slap him.

'Fucking hell connor! Don't do that!' You get up anyway and take his hand he leads you to the dance floor.

You and Connor had a fling a while back. You thought he was perfect he had other ideas, used you for your mates. Classic fuck boy I guess. He never once treated you like a princess but you let him use you because you loved him. Even though nothing serious came out of the fling you had he still flirts with you all the time. You went out for about 2 months or so, nothing more. Brad didn't agree with the relationship.


Reece pov
She looks so fucking stunning in that dress no wonder Connor is all over her. I would be too if I had the chance, maybe joe was right, she was using me.

If I leave will she notice or is she too lovey dovey with ball? Idk, I'm gonna go get some air before things get heated.

You and Connor dance for about 10 minutes. Coming back you realise Reece has left.

'Where has he gone?' You worriedly ask your table

'We thought he was with you!' Was the majority of replies.

'I'm gonna go find him!' Blake insists on coming with you but you tell them all to stay where they are.

Going outside you see him a good underneath a street light. He looks so hot. His hair falling in the right places, his grandad top over his t shirt looks good on him, only he can pull if that look. His tight jeans making his muscles look big, something only you've noticed recently. His shoes are glinting under the white of the light. You walk over to him.

'Why you out here?' Getting close to him you see he's been crying. He slides down the pole until he's sat on the floor, legs out in front of him.

'Annie, when I saw you with Connor I thought that was it. You've chose him over me and I don't blame you too he honest. I would have my hands all over you too because well I love you and you look so fucking hot in that dress I don't know who wouldn't want to dance with you. I over reacted once again, I get jealous at the small things because of my ex. She cheated on me with one of my mates and, I know we're not a couple, but I don't wanna loose you as well Annie' his voice breaking every now and then.

'Listen Reece' you place your hand in his thigh making him loose his breath slightly. 'Me and Connor had a thing about 3 years ago, he used me for my mates so I know what you feel like. I promise you now, NOTHING is going on with him and I. I've never really danced with somebody and I just wanted to let myself free. He was there to dance with so I took the chance. I'm sorry if that made you jealous, I really really do' you wipe the tears away from his cheek with your spare hand.

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