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The aroma of vanilla perfume and hairspray fills the bathroom with Press by Cardi B playing in the background.

"How much longer does it take to get fucking ready!? Come on Shauniece! Dang!" exclaims Jessica as she sits on her queen size bed impatiently waiting on her best friend to hurry up.

"Girl what is the rush? Calm down. We will get there when we get there. Damn."

"I just don't want to wait in that long ass line going into the club. You know it's Ladies Night, so all the ugly hoes going to try to bum rush us so they can get in first."

"Shut up and drink this." Shauniece hands Jessica a bottle.

"What's this?"

"Vodka. You need some."

"Girl I am the designated driver, and the only one with their license."

"Bitch if you don't take that bottle to the head."


"Jessica, we're the only people outside! What the hell!"

"Well the doors open at eight pm and its 7:45. I'm trying to find a good spot to stand to scope out some fine niggas. Plus, you know black people always late to everything."

Right before Shauniece could speak, a group of a guys is heard talking and yelling.

"Ugh here comes Cash, Jess." Jessica rolls her eyes.

"Hahah nah nigga, you got me fucked up. Got damn! Aye ma in the yellow." Jessica turns around with a stank look on her face. "Damn baby you get better looking every day."

"What do you want Cash?" asks Jessica.

"Damn a nigga can't say hi?"

"That didn't sound like a 'hi' to me."

"Come on girl they just opened the doors. Ignore his goofy ass." Shauniece grabs Jessica by the arm and drags her inside the club.

"Damn Cash she still trippin'." says Brod as if they can't hear him.

"Uh ain't nobody trippin' first of all. I don't know why y'all so loud behind me anyways. You need to go comb that nappy ass beard, Brod!"

"Haha see what I mean Cash. She must be on her period."

"Don't say anything Jess, let it go. You know what he trying to do, it ain't worth it."

Finally after getting patted down, Jessica and Shauniece enters the club. It's empty except for you two. You take in everything as Bodak Yellow plays in the background. There's a bar straight back with a female bartender in this slutty black jumper. It's a little dim inside, but the lights from the strobe light flashing illuminates the club. Before you know it, more people have gathered inside the club and Cash is nowhere to be found. Jessica and Shauniece find their way upstairs to the '21 and Up Only' area.

"Damn Niece, this club looks so better from last year."

"Bitch! Is that Angel down there?" says Shauniece as she's pointing down at a female with a cheap bright pink dress on from Rainbow and black platform Gothic boots.

"Ooh girl, what has she done with  herself?" Jess starts giggling. "Look, look, she see us, watch she come up here."

"She better not say anything stupid."

"Oh you know she going to get her feelings hurt if she do."

"I know, 'cause your little light skin ass is mean. Don't know why you fake like you're innocent."

"Mmh. Jess, Shauniece."

"Mmh. Rasputia." Shauniece busts out laughing.

"Bitch what's that supposed to mean?" asks Angel furiously.

"It means get yo fat ass from out of my presence." says Jessica.

"Why is it that every time you see one of us out in public, you think it's a good idea to approach us with some hate?"

"Because Niecey, she's a fan."

"Bitch don't nobody like y'all."

"Your name must be nobody then since you always on our dick."


"What's up." states Shauniece, ready to fight. Before anything could pop off, Brod and Cash separates the two girls away from Angel.

"Girl why y'all always getting into something? Huh?" asks Brod as if he really cares.

"The same reason why every time Niece and I go out, her fat ass pops up with that nasty ass mustache living on her upper lip."

"Haha you crazy." Brod flashes a grin at Jessica and Shauiece. His diamond bottom grill glints in the dim club light. Damn he's fine, thinks Jessica. Shauniece pulls her away knowing that they're thinking the same thing.

"Girl, is it just me or is Brod fine as hell?"

"He is! I feel so, so, weird thinking he's fine. He was never fine until Cash and I broke up."

"He always been fine, you're just now realizing it."

Jess smacks her teeth. "Let's go dance."

They make their way downstairs and heads straight for the bar. It's hard to make out what song is playing, but the bass is booming and it seems like everyone is feeling the song.

"Every time we go out, that bitch is around. She must be stalking us or something."

"Speaking of the devil, look who is eyeing us, Niecey." Angel is standing on the wall alone, eyeing Jessica and Shauniece. She never walks over. "She's so weird, I bet you by the end of the night, she's going to try something."

Hours go by of nothing but pure raunchy body-to-body dancing with the smell of musty sweat lingering in the air. Weaves are sweated out, makeup is running, it's close to the time for the club to close.

"You done fucked with me for the last time, bitch." Angel says as she brings up a pistol, aiming it at Jessica since Shauniece is not as close. Everyone starts screaming, pushing, and running once they realize she has a handgun.

"What the hell going on?" asks Shauniece as she's getting trampled.

"Watch out!" a mysterious man shouts. BANG. Shauniece ducks down, while the mysterious man pushes Jessica out the way.

"I'll get you next time bitch." Angel states as she runs out the club before they notice she was the one shooting.

"What the fuck Niece!! What's going on?" Jess pauses. "Who are you?"

"Are you okay?" asks the mysterious man.

"Y-yeah. I think so. Thanks for saving me. Man what's going on?"

"Some girl had a gun pointed towards you two. Your friend here in the blue had ducked down, but I guess you didn't hear me yell, because-" he trails off.

"Some girl?" asks Shauniece. "What did she have on?"

"A pink dress and some black boots." Shauniece and Jess stare at each other. "You two know her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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