40| This is Noah, My Boyfriend

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40| This is Noah, My Boyfriend

    OTHER than telling my friends about Noah and I being together, there was one more thing that I needed to do

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    OTHER than telling my friends about Noah and I being together, there was one more thing that I needed to do. And I was going to do it today. There was no backing down or getting scared or holding back. I was gonna go all in.

    But not right now.

    Right now, it was 2nd period and I was patiently awaiting for next period, 4th. For my off period, obviously. Because Noah and I had already made plans. Studying at the coffee shop for 30 minutes, and then doing whatever we wanted for the remaining hour. I think it was going to be our routine from now on. Which excited me. Being around him excited me.

"Physics is absolutely vile," Gracie muttered from beside me, making a gagging noise.

I laughed. "It's definitely not the most exciting thing."

"No kidding," she said.

"I hear you. I am counting down the days until this semester is over!" Sophie exclaimed. "We have exactly one month, girls. One. Month. Until December 15th, and then we're out of here."

"Yeah," I said, "until January 8th."

"Don't ruin it!" Sophie said, and I just rolled my eyes. I turned my attention back to my homework sitting in front of me, but I didn't touch it.

"You're not doing anything," Gracie observed. "What? Is the sun not lined up perfectly today? Is the Earth tilted and just slightly out of place? Cause that's the only reason I can think of as to why you wouldn't be completely obliterating that homework right about now."

"I'm gonna do it on my off," I said, and Gracie and Sophie both simultaneously gasped.

"On your off?" Sophie asked.

"But don't you have other homework to do on your off? Like, homework that we haven't even been given yet?" Gracie teased, and they both laughed.

"Ha-ha," I said. "I'm doing my homework with someone during my off. Okay?"

And then the bell rang. Perfect timing, am I right?

I slipped my backpack on and got up to leave the classroom. Gracie and Sophie following in step behind me. I was just waiting for the questions.

"Excuse me? Logan Pierce? Did you say you're doing homework with someone on your off?" Bianca asked, suddenly appearing out of thin air.

"She did," Sophie answered for me. "The question would be: who?"

I stopped and turned towards both of them, a small smile creeping onto my face. "My boyfriend," is what I said, Sophie's mouth dropped open. Gracie just grinned at me.

And then Noah walked over, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Ready to go study?" He asked. And Sophie and Gracie's mouths dropped open even more, if that was even possible. "Hey Gracie. Sophie."

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