Chapter 2

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"Kan Misoo!" The 1st vip judge shouted. Misoo stepped forwards onto the big black X that marks the floor some five to ten feet away from the judges table.

"Yes, sir." She kept surprisingly calm, though she could feel the heat in her cheeks. She composed herself however. In order to really get the trainee position she needed to be calm as much as possible.

'It's okay, you can do this.'' Sim Jin-Sang said. He's one of Misoo's best friends, who was also a judge. Considering his popularity it would only make sense because the trainee position is too train underneath him. As is apprentice persey .

She nods. "Today I will be singing an original called Breaking."

The older judge nods "What inspired you to write this song?"

Misoo's face paled and her throat became dry. "U-um. My past." She didn't elaborate.

"Your past?" The 1st judge, who was masked asked.

"Yes, my past It-"

"It's okay, you don't have to explain. I am absolutely sure the song will be great. "Jin-Sang


She nodded and cued the piano to start. She took a breath, and started to sing. The words of the song were tragic in themselves but also beautiful . It told the story of her past. Her problems. How they still impact her everyday life.

She ended the song with a slight quiver of her voice. She wiped at her cheeks which were glistening with tears.

The Judges seemed to have been affected by her performance as their own cheeks glistened with tears. The female judges were wiping their eyes while the males were shyly dabbing at their cheeks with handkerchiefs. All except for the first judge who stared at her in awe. That's when he whipped his mask and hat off to address her and her eyes widened.

"Kan MiSoo!"

"Yes S-sir!" She bowed and stood straight up like a wooden plank.

"Ya, Chae Min Ho, Give her time." Jin-sang smiled, stood up and grabbed a tissue box holding it out for her. He smiled gently.

"Thank you." She took one and dabbed gently at her own cheeks.

"Aishhh you poor boys and your empathy." He cursed and crossed his arms.

"Well Miss Kan. Are you ready for your score?" The first female judge asked a small smile on her face.

Misoo nodded. "Yes I'm ready." She held her hands behind her. She shook slightly but luckily it was hidden from the panel of judges who looked kindly at her save for one. 

"Well I'll start." Jin-Sang smiled at her. "Miss Kan, you're voice is phenomenal. You sang with so much heart, so much emotion. We felt you. We felt the impact you made. I'd gladly take you as a trainee."

Misoo smiled and bowed "Thank you."

She then turned to Chae Min Ho. "I don't know how to say this, but I don't like you Kid. Yeah, you got talent, but no discipline. What's up with all that extra body fat? What's up with that hair, with your height, your chest. You do not have the makings of an idol. I will not take you as a trainee." 

She looked down at her flat stomach and  her actually decently sized chest. Her black hair fell and curtained the sides of her face. "I'm sorry, sir..." Her voice quivered but she cleared her throat sniffed and stood up straight. The tears gone. 

"If given the chance, I will work harder to achieve the proper visage and abilities of an idol." She bows and sniffs again before turning to the last judges with fear in her heart.


She breathed a sigh of relief, she had gotten through, all that was left was to choose the talent that would train her. She stood in front of the only people left. 

Sim Jin-Sang, Chae Minho, and the women judge whose name was Tan Sun-Young. That was the best choice but it seems they had something else in store for her. 

"Kan Min-Soo, here's the verdict. Each of us specialize in an area of being an idol. So therefore all three of us will help train you." Sun-Young smiled. 

"Thank you!" She bowed. 

"Kan Misoo, I will be in charge of your vocal training. Sim Jisang will take care of your dance training. Since Chae Minho was so adamant about you losing weight, he will take care of your eating habits and exercise." She smiled. 

Misoo nodded and bowed again. "Thank you, and please take care of me!" She straightened and smiled. 


kinda just wanted to get it out?

Enjoy ig

-your weird author



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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