Summer School; Jimin

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"Kulameya hae," I lay in bed as I butcher the words to Chocolate by Day6 while playing on my phone.

I should be doing my summer school homework right now but I don't feel like it. It moves quickly, I have 6 weeks to get through a whole semester of material so I have 3 days per chapter. It's only the second day but I'm just not motivated right now. I will eventually, just not now.

I'm humming along to the song when my step-brother walks into my room, "Started your homework yet?"

I rolled my eyes, "No Jimmy I haven't yet."

"The names Jimin. Maybe if you actually did your homework you'd have enough IQ points to remember that. Anyway, I'm heading to the store. I suggest you start on your homework since its already 2 pm."

He left my room and I quickly closed the app I was on to text him that I wanted ice cream. I put my phone down and sat up, getting out my laptop. I got out my notebook and colored pens, ready to finally start my homework so Jimin will get off my back about it.

Its been over two hours and I'm just now hearing Jimin get home, I guess he got distracted. I guess I did too though, almost immediately in fact. I've been watching youtube for the whole time he's been gone and I've long since pushed my school supplies off my bed.

I hear Jimin walking up the stairs and stop at my room. He opens the door and in his hands is cookies and cream ice cream.

"Is that for me?"

"Did you finish your homework?"


"Then no,"

He leaves with the ice cream still in his hand and I sigh annoyed. I'm halfway through a video so I decide I'll finish it before I start my homework.

One video quickly turned into 2, then 3, 4, 5 and suddenly it was midnight. I was feeling quite tired but I decided to watch more videos.

It's almost 3 AM now, I finally decide to go to bed, not bothering to set any alarms. I'll wake up at a decent time and do all my school work tomorrow.

I woke up at 1 PM. Not the greatest start, but I immediately started working like I said I would. I worked from 1 to 5, with about an hour for lunch. I was making good progress but I still had a lot. I was in the middle of taking notes when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and it was a text from my friend asking if I wanted to see a movie. I decided I deserve a break and went let Jimin know I was going out.

7 PM. 7 PM and I'm just now getting home. I know for a fact there's no way I can get all my work done now.

I sit down to eat dinner with Jimin when he decides to make small talk, "So, you done with your work yet? Since you went out for 2 hours?"

"Almost," I lie straight through my teeth, "I just need to take the unit test."

"Well make sure you get on it,"

I nod slightly and finish my food, rushing up to my room. I pull out my laptop and start going through the folder, skipping the noted and only doing the assignments. Even still I didn't get all of them done. I waste even more time watching more youtube and now it's 11:49 PM. I decide I'll just do really bad this unit and if the teacher asks I'll make up an excuse for sympathy and tell her I'll try harder next time. My laptop is open to the page with the test, and I stare at it as the deadline creeps closer.

Jimin walks into the room and I realize I don't have an excuse for him yet.

"How'd you do on the test?"

He walks towards my laptop and I start to panic.

I start to stutter as he takes the laptop, "You haven't taken it," he looks at me, "I had a feeling you didn't, it just didn't seem right that you could fit almost 12-15 hours of work into one day where you've only possibly been working for 8 hours. And now its too late to take the test since its midnight."

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