The Discovery

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Chapter 2: The Discovery

We woke up in an emergency room, surrounded by doctors. We were all hooked up to at least two machines. We were all in the same room. "Guys what happened?", Michaela asked. "The last thing I remember is being thrown against the wall and feeling very strange.", I said. "I know what you mean.", Chase said. "Yeah that was awesome!", said Adam. "Awesome is the opposite of what just happened, Adam.", I said. I could really go for some food, I thought. "I want food too!", Chase said. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?", Chase said. "I didn't say that out loud.", I said. "Are you saying I read your mind?", "Is there another explanation?", Josh asked. "I don't think so.", said Levi. "Do you think the explosion gave us powers?, I asked. "That would be so cool!", said Kira. "You kids are crazy.", said a nurse who had overheard our conversation. You could see from the look on Adam's face that he was infuriated. "We are not crazy!!!!", Adam screamed. He threw his hands in the air and the machine that he was hooked up to exploded with an incredible bang attracting the attention of everyone in the hospital. Soon doctors and nurses were running into the room. People were crowding around us and Levi got so mad, that he punched the machine that he was hooked up to. It shattered into pieces that went flying everywhere. One of the largest pieces came soaring through the air at me, but I didn't see it. I turned around right as it was about to hit me but it didn't. I see Josh staring at the huge piece of glass very hard. In the blink of an eye it had gone from my side of the room to the other side of the room. Josh can move things with his mind, Chase can read minds, Adam can blow things up, Levi has super strength... what about the rest of us? I see one of the nurses on the phone. They're going to take us somewhere and lock us up. We have to get out of here. We had never been through anything like this before. Michaela was standing in the corner. I looked over at Kira and then back at Michaela. She was gone. Invisibility? I turned around and screamed! Michaela was now behind me. Definitely invisibility.


We were running down the halls, frantically, searching for a way out. Kira was running super fast. Well, her power must be super speed. I wonder what my power is... We decided to split up. The boys went left and the other girls and I went right. The police came in with tazers but I was not about to let them hurt my friends so I told them to run while I distracted them. I started running toward the police and they all held out their tazers in my direction. Just as I was about to get tazed, I closed my eyes and it felt like I was flying. I opened my eyes to discover that I was flying. We all eventually found each other. I told everyone about my power. Mind reading, super strength, invisibility, super speed, telechenesis, blowing things up, and flight. Seven super powers... Check. "Now let's get out of here."

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