Part 1

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Pen's POV
It's was the last day of high school and I was excited because I can do whatever I want for the rest of my life, I walked in science class and sat down in our signed spots I had to sit next to the love birds that keep flirting to each other and what they say creeps me out, a lot. Our teacher walks in and sits down looking pissed off. "I don't care it's the last day sit wherever you want but before you do turn in your science projects." Then she passed out everyone did what was asked and I sat next to my friends Eraser, Blocky, and Snowball. "Hey Pen." Eraser said as he was throwing paper at the love birds. "Stop you assholes." Pencil yelled slamming she desk, Match agreed and then she continued making out with Pencil.
"Is this what we are going to do all day?" Tennis ball asked Golf ball he shrugged, I looked at my drawing book and I turned to a new page and started to draw because I promised Paintbrush a drawing and I would finished before we leave. "What are you drawing?" Eraser asked putting his arm around me, I blushed and I stopped and looked at him. "I'm drawing something that I promised to draw for someone." Eraser nodded like he understood and I keep drawing and then the bell ranged Eraser took his arm off and putted it to his side, I had somehow finished the drawing so in the hall way I walked to Paintbrush, she turned around she knew that I was there. "You finished?" I nodded and I gave her the drawing and she looked like she was amazed by it. "Thanks this the best drawing I have ever seen, your good." She gave me a thumbs-up, I smiled and walked off. At 2:30 Eraser came up to me and put his arm around my shoulder again, I still blushed. "Hey Pen how about you come over to my house for a sleepover?" I nodded in excitement. "Nice, could we walk there together?" Eraser took his arm off and folded his arms, he does that a lot. I still nodded and then Blocky and Snowball ran to us. "Hey don't forget us in this hell hole!" Blocky joked, We all agreed, when we got to Snowballs house he walked to the door then he turned around. "Bye I have to go to my shitty parents house." We all waved, Blocky waved longer and even told him good bye as well.
"You ok?" I questioned, Blocky blushed bright pink. "I'm fine, why ask." I shrugged, Blocky put an eyebrow up but he stopped and then we were and Erasers house. "Wait are you staying the night to?" I questioned. "No I'm just staying here for a little bit." He replied, we got inside and no one was in the house, and the first thing Blocky did was run to the basement, I was started to get suspicious about Blocky so I followed him trying to make no noise, then I turned around and I see Eraser following me. "Why-." I tried to say but Eraser put his finger on my lips and I started to get red. "I'm following you because I'm asking the same question as you are."
He whispers, and he puts his hand to his side and I turned around and keep walking slowly and when we got there we didn't see him, Eraser walked to the door that was closed and opened it slowly and quietly and I walked and then we both peek though, Blocky was holding a picture of Snowball and then he walks to a table that was in the room put sat the paper on it at walked backwards to the spot that he was at. "Snowball, I like you..." Then I whisper to Eraser. "Blocky likes Snowball." Eraser grins at Blocky.

And then he whispers back

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And then he whispers back. "Well I can't believe it but the person that was a stone hearted is actually in love." I nodded, bad news but Blocky turned around and then his eyes widen when he saw us and he was now blushing in embarrassment. "Fuck you were not supposed to hear that..." I was the first one to move into the room at then I hugged him. "It's fine we will support you all the way." I smiled and then I let go I walked and grabbed the picture of Snowball and gave it to him. "Why did you do this in my house?" Eraser questioned Blocky. "It's has a basement and my parents can hear anything that I say wherever I'm at."
Eraser rolled his eyes but he still believed him. Two hours later Blocky left and it was just me and Eraser, he slapped my arm and I turned around. "Ok what was that about?" "I was going to ask you if you want to watch a movie?" I nodded and then he puts in the movie and we both fell asleep during it, the next day when I woke up I looked down and Eraser was on my lap, I blushed madly as I was going though my mind. I have been gay for my whole life and I think that I'm falling in love with my best friend... What am I thinking he's your friend and if you confess he probably going to reject you or worse be like Snowball and be all homophobic about it. I was getting more confused but before I can think of anything else Eraser woke up.
Eraser's POV
I woke up to see Pen staring at me and that I was on his lap I blushed and got up and moved off of him and sat next to him. "Sorry-." "Don't have to apologize for that, that usually happens." I interrupted him. "Oh." I noticed that Pen was acting different than usual but I didn't questioned about it to much. "Well I have to go bye." He said very fast and raced to the door opened it and shut it very loudly. Damn that fucking loud he was probably late for something but he was red when I looked at him... Does he like me? It could be a possibility, but he is my best friend though... Or maybe I made him embarrassed. I don't know but I might leave it as a mystery...

I hope you liked it and thank you yoonminisreal721 for drawing that picture for me your the best and I hope everyone has a good day 😁

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