{Coffe & Confessions}

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Plot: Jisung works at a cafe and Minho visits him every day
Rating/Genre: PG-Fluffy

{Not Edited}

Jisung let out a faint sigh as he entered his key into the locked door, jingling it a bit before it was finally opening. His gaze shifting around the dark room with a fond smile before he was moving to flick on the lights illuminating the once dark cafe. The lingering smell of coffee instantly filling his nostrils and he couldn't help but smile happily.

With quick steps he found himself behind the counter disgarding his bag and jacket before he was moving around to organize the place making it nice and neat before he was busy behind the counter again.

He was turning on the coffee machines and running back and forth from the kitchen to the front to stock up the display case with many yummy treats. A satisfied smile plastered on his lips once finished and he glanced down to his watch to check the time.

Opening time

With a grin he skipped over to the door and unlocked it before turning to make his way behind the counter a bit surprised when the door chimed indicating aomeone had entered. He hadn't even made it a couple feet away so he was in slight shock since he didn't remember seeing anyone outside. Then again...he wasn't paying attention.

"Mornin, Jisungie!" The familiar voice chimed and the boy tired around to look at the person with a bright smile forming on his lips.

Jisung quickly turning to look at the person quick to hide his surprise with a smile when seeing the hazelnut haired boy and getting a glance at those enticing chocolate eyes.

"Minho Hyung- Why are you here so early?" He questioned curuously as he got behind the counter to start the boys usual order.

"I have to go into the academy early today since we have special guest choreographers coming in today." The elder boy said while moving in front of the counter and pulling out his wallet to slide a couple bills over to pay for his coffee and muffin.

"Ah I see, I hope it goes well then. I'm guessing that means I won't see you in here later?" Jisung questioned glancing back at the other to show he had his attention. Minho just nodded and let out a faint sigh.

"Sadly, but hey I'm keeping my attendance still-" the elder grinned and Jisung just let out a small laugh while turning to hand over the itmes.

"You are indeed." The barista smiled. Minho taking the items and nodding in thanks before he was moving to his normal table though he paused half way there and glanced over at the boy who was just watching him. A bit flustered Jisung quickly turned away to hide his reddening cheeks even though Minho had already gotten a good look at them.

"Hey...why don't you come and eat something with me? " he asked and Jisung just glanced back at him with slightly wide eyes. He wasn't entirely sure how to answer. He wanted to but he needed to stay behind the counter incase any would come in...though he normally didn't get customers for another hour. "Come on, I know it's not that busy and your co worker will be here soon. No? That deep voiced kid-"

Jisung snorted lightly at this and shook his head turning to make himself an iced coffee quickly. "You've been coming in here everyday for the past few months and you don't know that his name is Felix?" He mused walking over to the table that the elder was now seated at.

"Well I can't help that I only have eyes for you." A small smirk twitched onto the males lips and Jisung couldn't help but to look at him in slight surprise.

"Y..you? Really? M-me?" He asked in shock, his plush cheeks once again turning a rosey red.

"Yes you, why do you think I come here all the time?" The elder continued and Jisung just continued to stare at him dumbfounded. Did he really always come here for him? Just to see him That... sounded unreal almost. Like one of those cliché movies he always made fun of.

"Of course. Who wouldn't want to see your beautiful face everyday?" Minho smiles sincerely but Jisung couldn't help but lightly snort at this.

"I could think of a few.." Jisung muttered and Minho just chuckled while reaching over to place his hand over Jisung's.

"They'd be foolish not to, want too." A smile streching onto the elders lips and Jisung couldn't help but stare at the boy slightly amazed and getting lost in his eyes. "Anyway I need to get going now. Let's hang out again sometime. Outside of the cafe." He mused and quickly jotted down a few numbers onto the napkin and slide it over to the cafe worker. "Give me a call, cutie." He stated before he was standing up. Grabbing hold of his half finished drink and giving the dazed barirsta a wave before he was heading out of the shop.

Jisung just sitting there in his place frozen and staring at the spot that just occupied his frequent customer still trying to process what just happened. He was so spaced out he didn't even realize someone else ciming in and rhe hand waving in front of his face.

"Jisung- Jisung? HAN!" Snapping out of his thoughts at the yell he looked up at the blonde in fromt of him in shock.

"Oh- Felix when did you get here?" He asked causing the younger to roll his eyes amused.

"Its been like 5 minutes since I got here. Why aren't you at the counter?" He asked before noticing napkin in front of the boy. A small grin pulling on his lips seeing that it was a phome number and a name. "Oh- did he finally ask you out?" He grinned excitedly and Jisung once again looked to the boy surprised before he was getting up amd moving to the counter woth flushed cheeks.

"N-no...okay yes-" he confused and Felix excitedly clapped his hands together while bouncing after the other.

"Finally! I knew since the first time he came in her months ago that he had a thing for you. Have you never noticed?" Felix asked and Jisung just shook his head no surpised at the information. "Wow you're an idiot but now you got a date! And he's hot!" The Aussie nudged the ogher side and Jisung just let out a laugh while throwing a towel at the boy.

"Shut up and get to work-" he chuckled and Felix just stuck his tongue out at the other before going to do his work.

The rest of the day Jisung worked with a grin on his lips excited to go home and give Minho a text as well as for tomorrow to come so he could see the boy again.

Sorry it's not all that long but I didn't want to keep you waiting!
Hope its okay!

Rubberducky out~~~~~~♡

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