Chapter 5

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Sweetful Hostility

             It had been a long time since she has ever found someone who she clicked with so easily. The thought made a new break along her heart. She didn’t want to remember that time when he was in her life. Those wondrous years were stripped away quite awhile ago.  Although she didn’t want to remember, she found herself unwilling to forget. It happened four years back, Cassie was thirteen and in love. Michael was fifteen and a bit more experienced. They met on a hiking trip arranged by their families. Michael and Cassie didn’t know it, but their relatives had hoped they would fall in love. They grew up right next to each other.

            The first year they were together was the best in Cassie’s eyes. It was the honeymoon faze; although, they had not been intimate yet. She thought this was one of the reasons it was the happiest year, but she was still wondering where it went wrong. The year that followed had a few fights, but they always found their way back to each other…back together. Year number three was where it got a bit complicated. Michael was developing a need to change things up, and Cassie agreed. They were intimate and fell deeper in love.

            The final year was the turning point of Cassie’s entire life. One day in March, Michael did something Cassie never thought he would do. He cried in front of her. He wouldn’t tell her why even though she wouldn’t stop insisting for him too. He explained the next day that he had had a lot on his mind, but Cassie didn’t buy it. One faithful summer day that year, came the abrupt end. She thought things were going great, that tear-filled day forgotten. They sat on her family’s porch swing laughing and talking about everything they loved. Michael’s face turned serious. He asked her to take a ride with him, and she agreed willingly. She didn’t know the road they were on, and they had been driving for quite awhile. She tried to ask where they were, but he assured her she would be ok.

            She remembered coming around the corner and seeing a large building and others, slightly smaller, surrounding it. She saw the sign in the front lawn. Nestle Seed Academy. Michael had stopped the truck, and stepped out. Cassie followed him down to the campus. He walked her up to what appeared to be the girl’s dorm, and she followed him all the way up to room 24C on the third level of the building.

            “You’re not mine, anymore.” Michael’s words sent a shiver up her spine. “This is your home now. Please, stay. This is for the best. I can’t.” He walked out of her new dorm, and out of her life. That’s when Nicole and Nicki found her, with tears streaming silently down her face. They took her in and explained that the school was here for people that have a hard time or that need to get away. It helped them realize their full potential, and it helped them with their life. Cassie just nodded. They left her alone. Cassie spent the first months in a deep depression. Her parents had one to study in Fiji, and she never heard a word from Michael. She slowly adjusted to her new life. She didn’t mention anything to anyone about her past. She didn’t want them to know. It wasn’t their business. Michael never came, but his words still whispers in her head. She was broken, but wasn’t unfixable. She would always have the internal scars and breaks, but would be able to move on, eventually.

            “Spill!”, Nicki and Nicole squealed out simultaneously, breaking her out of her revere. Cassie was sitting between her roommates on her single bed in their room. She relayed her morning story to her wide-eyed friends.

            “Coincidences like that don’t just happen, Cassie!” Nicole explained. “You two already have so much in common and even you said it was like you were the only two in the room when he came in that first day. “She reminded Cassie.

            “Yeah I guess.” she admitted slowly.

            “Oh, come on. You two are already acting like a couple.” Nicki accused lightly.

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