Kiliel OneShot for middleearth_trilogy on Instagran

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This OS got a happy ending bc this ship got a really sad ending I think.
I'm really sorry but my English is terrible. But I hope you enjoy it anyways. All the characters belong to the creators and the credit for the art goes to the artist :3

Tauriel run through the ruins as a bunch of orks follows her and wants to kill her. She got only that one thing in her mind which made her jump over the rocks and run this fast. Kili. Where is he?! Is he injured? Dead? I don't know. I have to find him! I have to tell him that I love him! What should I do if it's too late?!
Her orange, long hair flew in the cold wind as she run, tears running down her cheeks. The sky was full of clouds and it started to snow. Where is he?!  She was almost through the ruins except one part of it. She run the stairs up to where she wasn't already. She looked to the left of her and saw him. The dwarf which she loved lied there on the ground like it's almost too late. ,,Kili..." She whispered. She stood there until she realized that she finally found him. ,,Kili!" She screamed out and run to where he was lying. In front of him she falls to her knees. All over his stomach and chest were blood. His eyes were closed and his right hand lied in his wound.,,'t do this to me..." She stuttered while tears running down her face. She took his face in her hands and puts away a few hairs which lied in his face. ,,Pleas don't be dead. I love you. You can't" she stopped as his eyes were moving. ,,Tauriel.." he whispered. ,,I love you too" she couldn't believe it. She grabbed a little bag which she carried on her belt. Inside the bag there were herbs. She took them in her hands and started to say some elvish phrases. Her hands started to glow on a yellow-gold light. Kili just stared at her and thought how beautiful she is. The first time he saw her he just wasn't able to look away from her. She was so beautiful, brave and full of grace. Kili started to dream again. He couldn't feel or hear anything except Tauriel, who started pressing the hero's on his wound. She put her hands on his wound and it started to glow again. A warm feeling started to flood through his body. Slowly he fell asleep hearing the whispers of Tauriel.
She looked the while time in Kilos eyes, with the fear that he disappears when she'll look away. Soon he fell asleep. The wound got smaller and smaller and kili started to breath normally again. After the wound was closed Tauriel leaned back on her knees. Finally she was sure kili was safe. She pulled a little thing out of her pocket. It was the stone, Kili have her. ,,I'm so glad to have you safe here with me" she said while she puts her hand with the stone in it to her heart. ,,Kili?! KILI WHERE ARE YOU?!"  It was the voice of Fili. Tauriel turned around and saw Fili with the others. ,,He's safe. I healed him. He'sjust sleeping." ,,Thank Eru!" He said while breathing out. ,,Let's carry him into the mountain he needs to rest. You too" he said. Tauriel stood up and lifted him. ,,I'm so glad you're safe now"she whispered.

Inside of Erebor in a small room

Tauriel PoV.

The others stepped out and closed the door behind me. I sat on a tiny chair next to the bed kili was lying in. I took one of his hands and hold it thight. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked me in my eyes. ,,Tauriel...I love you" he wisphers. ,,Kili I love you, too. I'm so glad I've got you and you're alive." ,,You saved my life." ,,Because I could never live without you." Kili sat slowly up. He sat right in front of me. ,,Kili layback again you going to-" Suddenly I felt a hand on my cheek. His face was so close to mine and I slowly closed my eyes. Abruptly I felt soft lips on mine. It felt like there were butterfly in my stomach which are going crazy. Every thing of my body started to itch like crazy. It was a deep and slow kiss. And it was so womderful. It felt like a wave of happiness and love and warmth flood through my body. As we needed to breath again we got away from each other. Poorly. ,,Can you lie down with me?" He asked me. ,,Of course I will"  I answered and lied down next to him. I put my head on his chest and we fall asleep. This was the best night I ever had till now.

I'm so sorry this is so bad and my English- Lord....
Hope you enjoyed it anyway😊

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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