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Clueless of her actions, Fira didn't have the courage to face upon the glazing figure. 

Each step she took back, the enormous creature moved closer. The snout of the creature drew smoke out as he drew closer to Fira.

She did not know how to encounter an enormous beast like him, yet this beast is what the people and her fear most....a dragon.

Fira's hair drifted with the wind's gust as she continued moving backwards, baffled by were she was heading. 

The dragon's yellow eyes glow with diligence as he continued to persuade Fira to move backwards. From each step of the dragon's four paws, the ground shook gradually, while his claws contrasted the floor leaving off marks of his trail.

Fira's heart began to clench as the blood that driven inside of her rushed around. Her veins shook and her vision dimmed. She knew she had to listen to her Aunt's orders. Because otherwise, she wouldn't have to come across a dragon.

Fira began to think that if she keep'd on strolling backwards, then the dragon might feel fatigued and will leave her. However, she did not know the dragon who is observant to her has great intelligence, and will continue to pursue her. 

Each step she took back, a broken branch cracks. 

Fira wasn't aware of her atmosphere as the surroundings grew darkness over her. However, she does notice the trees closing behind the dragon, appearing as if there was no way out from behind him.

Fira's journey seemed like hours to her. She felt eerie and slowly started to lose her balance. When suddenly, she stumbles against a tree toward her backside.

Fira's eyes gloom wide and her body crinkles as the dragon's symbolic deliberate stare looked down towards her. The dragon then stood there meaningless looking down at the hesitant figure.

Fira's frame shows no competence toward the humongous strength of the dragon. Her reaction toward this observance rushes her body.

Fira plunged herself up from her spot and dashed further into the trees. The dragon's reaction acted quickly as he too plunged toward the trees, while using his might to break each tree out of his way.

The dragon gained quickly toward Fira.

Fira's fear of the dragon slows her down. She intentionally tried to spread open her wings, however her running seem's to slow her procedure.

Fira's journey then ends as she glance's the view off a village that came toward her. However, she does not notice a boulder on her way.

Fira's right foot clenches at the boulder. Her body falls with a blow and shifted her across the rocky dirt. But then, with great luck from karma, her body stops right at the edge of a cliff.

If the boulder didn't cause Fira to strip, she would have fallen off of the cliff.

The village was actually mile's away and past the cliff. But from Fira's eyes, it looked as if the village would take about a few minutes.

Fira instantly stood on her legs. However, her vision grew blurry as her balanze started to daze.

She stared down at the cliff, which seemed suicidal to jump. And she still wasn't able to open her wings.

Fira's ears alerted her as the stomps of the dragon grew silent behind her. However, she could hear the dragon's lungs breathing behind her.

Fira then slowly turns around and glances up at the beast. Her heart rushed as her balance failed to stay steady. As it caused her to fall backwards to the edge.

At the second her body almost falls down, Fira tried to unleash her wings. But her timid figure didn't let her.

Fira knew that she could retrieve back her balance but that would mean that she would have to face the monstrous dragon. So she had a choice: either she falls to her death or she end's up in the belly of the beast.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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