Guilt hurts more, when you've hurt others

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The next morning Dazai still felt the guilt of lying to his friends but he had too, he would lose so much if he hadn't. When he arrived to the agency, not surprisingly, everyone stopped dead in their tracks, and looked at dazai. Dazai quickly looked down, but suddenly he felt someone go around him, it was Atsushi.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out, we won't ask any questions like you said but we're here if you need us okay?" Atsushi said with a soft smile. The guilt hit harder when he saw Atsushis soft smile, kunikidas concerned eyes, Yansano with a box of chocolate to make him feel better, Ranpo already doing some of dazais work so he would only have half, Kyoka with tofu and soup, Kenji with fresh fruits that were sent from his home.

Dazai started tearing up, what had He done? He made his friends feel bad for getting his hopes up, but really, they had helped him the most. Dazai was on edge of crying so he ran to the bathroom and sat there. He put his knees up and covered his face, the he heard a voice "Dazai-san, are you okay?" It was atsushis again. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." He said wiping his tears away and opening the door. He walked straight to his chair and started doing the reports Ranpo had already started. Today he wasn't goofing off, making jokes, or even smiling for that matter. How could he smile when he had made everyone else feel bad about themself?

Later at their break, dazai went down to the cafe, got a coffee and sat alone. He thought about how happy he had been when he was with chuuya but then how he was with his friends. Everyone else sat at their usual table Because they knew dazai wanted to be alone.

Finally dazai decided to brush it off, because deep inside, yes Dazai felt guilty for lying but he knew he protected both his friends and chuuya, right?

He got up paid and started leaving, when they noticed him leaving they asked "where are you going" he replied with "going back early, I'm finishing my reports so that I can leave early." Before they could say anymore, he started walking away, as he walked out he said to them "don't feel bad okay? This one is on me," And left.

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