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You woke up to the bright summer sun shining in your face and the loud notifications that errupted from your phone.
With a smile, you reached over to your nightstand and opened your phone. There were a bunch of unread texts from your friends.
You all were geeky. Geeks over musicals and books and art and movies. The whole group chat was filled with references. You laughed at some of the messages then sent your own message.
You: Morning guys, Todays the first day of my shift at the animal shelter💛✨
Every summer you spent the season working at your local Animal shelter. You were obsessed with animals and loved to spend time with them. Plus, the Animal Shelter was by a beach, so you were able to walk some of the dogs by the salty ocean.

You set down your phone and hopped out of your bed. You rummaged through your drawers trying to find your favorite shorts. Once you found them you grabbed a blue t shirt and put them on. You tucked the shirt into your shorts and paired them with some White vans.
You frowned in the mirror at your bed head and put your hair in a simple bun, letting two strands of your hair hang down on the sides.
You didn't put on any makeup because it was way too hard and made your face break out. But you did put on some tinted carmax. You brushed your teeth then grabbed your phone off the bed and skipped downstairs and out of the door. You should've eaten breakfast, but you were just too excited and could not wait to see all the cute puppies. Besides, Maddy, the shelter owner, always had snacks.

The shelter was a mile away, so you were able to walk to it. You grinned excited as the you walked in, the door chiming loudly.

"Y/N!" Maddy smiled happily, coming over to give you a hug.
"Hi!" You relpied, smiling back.
Maddy was a care-free Mom that had 3 three adorable little kids that you sometimes babysat.

"How's School?"

"Its all right," You shrugged, helping her unpack some bags of dog food. A cute golden dog came up to you. You smiled and gave it a little pat on the head and went back to unpacking.
Then all of a sudden you heard the familar bell chime. The door opened and the warm air flooded in. You glanced up, wondering why a customer would be coming in this early. Your eyes locked with the most attractive guy you had ever seen in your life. You could feel your jaw drop. He was walking a golden dog similar to one you had just pet.
You expected him to smirk, but instead he smiled innocently and bent down to give the dog a treat.
"Oh, Y/N! This is my little brother Tom. He's staying here for the summer!" Maddy said with a smile.
Tom walked over to you and extended a hand. "Hi Ava!" He smiled. It was an adorable smile. He was stunning, with deep choclate brown eyes, and unruly hazel hair.
You smiled back and gave his hand a little shake, your heart thumping out of your chest.
"H-hi!" You stammered. You looked back at the boxed food you were opening.
"Need any help?" He asked softly. Unbuckling the leash from thr dog he had walked.
"Sure." You nodded, handing him a box to open.
"Y/N, why don't you show Tom around? You can finish working later."
You glared at Maddy with embarrassent, then covered it up with a smile. "Uh, Okay."
"Do they have any ice cream shops here?" Tom asked excitedly.
"Of course. How can you live in a beach city without ice cream?"
Tom let out a soft giggle. It was thr msot adorable thing you had ever heard.
"Lets go." He gently tugged on my arm like a little child.
"Okay I have to get something. I'll meet you outside."
Tom happily went outside and you walked over to Maddy.
"Why would you do that?!"
Maddy laughed,"I knew you would be cute together."
You flushed bright red, "I-I... Ugh!"
Maddy smirked, "Your little prince is waiting."
You glared at her the followed Tom out of the shelter. "Lets go!" You faked a smile and hoped that your face wasn't as red as you thought.
Tom smiled and grabbed your hand, softly squeezing it. "Thank you Y/N"
"Your Welcome Tom." You smiled and this time it was real.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I hope it looks all right! Thank you for reading it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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