Peter | 1

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The pic is not mine it's from @/angelic.tsh on Instagram

Summary: Being best friends with Peter was simple, he was a complete dork yes, but you loved how cute and nerdy he could get and His brown chocolate hair and eyes? They drove you crazy.
Let's say that a pool party can change a lot of things.


One day at school, during PE you were sick so you just sat on the gym's floor while some of your friends played truth or dare. "Liz! Truth or dare?" Miles asked, she furrowed her eyebrows clearly thinking "dare" she said cheerfully "I dare you to invite that nerd of Parker to your pool party! I bet he's still scrawny as last year" you chocked with the water you were drinking.

"What Y/n? Are you okay?" Liz asked, you nodded violently mumbling a yes "you're going to invite Peter to your pool party?" You said shocked by that she nodded and smiled softly “is there a problem Y/n?” Miles asked teasingly, you shook your head in no but well . . . there was a problem, Peter was your secret crush and lately he was being distant.

You continued to stay silent as you watched everyone doing exercises, MJ, your other friend was reading a book while Peter and Ned were whispering to each other. “Hey Parker!” Miles yelled, he turned around avoiding your worried gaze “wanna come to Liz's pool party tonight?” he asked, Peter furrowed his eyebrows in confusion “yeah Pete come it'll be fun” Liz interrupted, Peter blushed and started to fidget with his fingers “y-yeah I think I'll come” he stuttered a little making you smile brightly.

You continued to talk with Liz and Miles until Spider-Man became the topic.
“I love Spider-Man honestly” Liz smiled dreamingly, you stared at the ground “I love him too, but I'd love the person behind the mask even more, he's an angel you can't deny that” you said still looking at the floor.

Looking up a little you saw Peter grinning to himself, you thought it was weird but adorable; you smiled and blushed still staring at him, you got lost in your mind.
Well until MJ interrupted that "oh my God, you like Parker" she whispered laughing.

"What! No!" You yelled, everyone turned to you making you blush "you what?!" Miles said laughing his ass off "okay everyone! Go back to whatever you were doing!" MJ yelled, they obeyed but her look worried you more than the whole class.

She took your hand and took you to the locker room without even telling the teacher. You sat down on the freezing ground "you like Peter" she said with a look that screamed "don't lie to me bitch", you gulped and stayed quiet for a bit before nodding your head.
"I knew it" she smiled.

After that episode you just walked home, getting ready for the party, you opened your wardrobe, you picked up a red bikini, then a green one and a lot more until you spotted a y/f/c one that suited you.
You stared at it for a bit before going to the bathroom and changing into it.

__________meanwhile at Peter's_____________

"May! I have a pool party tonight!" I said before hugging her desperately as I arrived at home "Peter calm down" she laughed pulling away from the hug, I stared at her, I was desperate, I needed to know what to wear, oh my good I'm worse than girls.

I ran upstairs searching for something, but I didn't have anything at all, until Aunt May stepped in with a pair of y/f/c swim trunks, I smiled at her before getting lost in my thoughts.

It was y/n's favourite color, I had been a complete ass, I'd ignored her since I became Spider-Man and she was probably hating me now, but I did it to protect her, if someone I fought with discovered she was special to me, they would kill her in a bit and I definitely didn't want that.

I put the swim trunks on before laying on my bed.
Another problem: I wasn't as scrawny as time ago thanks to the spider thing, now everyone was going to discover that. Shit.

______________ your P.O.V. _______________

Everyone was already in their bathing suits when I walked in the house, Liz looked beautiful and greeted me before I walked to the bathroom to change.

I walked outside awkwardly, I wasn't used to walk in a bathing suit in front of everyone, someone stared at me an others just didn't care at all.

Suddenly one of the guys climbed onto a table yelling something to have our attention "look guys! The beautiful Y/n is matching with the nerd!" The guy, Flash, yelled. I looked around blushing until I spotted the guy I was searching for.

He was a blushing mess, he was trying to hide behind Ned but he wasn't good at it, I approached him, last time I saw him shirtless I just thought he was cute but now... man.

I smiled "Pete hi, it's been a long time since we had a proper conversation" he smiled as everyone stared at us.

After everyone went back to whatever they were doing I caught the occasion to catch up with Peter, we talked for two hours, like nobody else was there, with the time Peter showed a part of him that I didn't know, he'd gotten confident, almost flirtatiously before he had to go away, God knows where.

I swam a little in the pool having fun with MJ, she was my other best friend, and she knew I was worried about Peter "Y/n, he's probably just home, stop worrying like a mom" I smiled lightly "I am not" she shook her head before continuing to swim with me.

The rest of the night passed by, Peter hadn't come back yet so I just decided to sit on the pool's board, as I looked up I saw a blue and red figure standing on the roof, ther all the dots connected, all the times Peter was late or he just ran away were because of who he is, Peter freaking Parker was Spider-Man.

I climbed cautiously on the roof, everyone had gone home at that point and Liz and MJ were inside.

"Hey Spider-Man" I said smirking, he turned around scared and jumped as he saw me "Y- I mean hi" I smirked even more "so why are you here Spidey?" He turned to face his feet "problems uhm- with a g-girl" he said, something inside me broke, he was in love with Liz, how could I think he loved me? Pff I was useless "what's the problem?" I asked grabbing his cheeks to make him face me "well I like this girl but she's way out of my league, she's hella beautiful with beautiful y/e/c eyes and soft y/h/c hair, I think I love her actually" only then I realized how close we were 'how can I make him get out of the suit?'I looked at his suit searching for something useful before spotting the little spider on the center of his chest, I tapped it once, nothing, i tapped it two times and boom a shirtless Peter stood there blushing "hi Peter boy" his eyes widened.

"How long-" he said "five minutes" I grinned "we go swimming yes?" I asked smiling, he nodded hesitantly.

We were alone in the pool, we were talking when suddenly he leaned over an pressed his lips on mine leaving me stunned before actually kissing him back. He pulled away smiling "I love you" he said before getting out of the pool, I stayed there shocked staring at him, my eyes gazed on all his now toned body "take a picture, it'll last longer" he said now smirking and snapping me out of my trance "I love you too Pete" I said tilting my head to the side "I have loved you since we met" he smiled, come outside, let's get inside before MJ and Liz come here".

As we entered the house the two girls were smiling in a creepy way "what" I said concerned by their behavior "we saw it all" Liz said "about time Parker" MJ said before walking up to me "good luck with the nerd" she whispered into my hear "and you, treat her badly and I won't hesitate to rip your heart out of your chest alright?" He nodded at her putting an arm around my waist and kissing my temple "I would never hurt her"

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