Rules and form

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(Nothing belongs to me, I hope everyone knows that)
We hate em but gotta do em

1. Do not spam me every five minutes, Wait about two hours. I have a life too
2. Do not control my character
3. No Mary/Gary sues
4. No godmoding
5. No stealing someone else's powers
6. No group chatting unless I make a group Rp chapter
7. Don't hate the role player hate the character
8. Only 3 OCs
9. Password is favorite Character
10. It's stranger things, of course you can curse
11. No smut unless the scenario says so
12: play my crush I play yours. If we both have the same crush then we can do a harem.
13. Be nice

Name: (Six)
Age: (12)
Gender: (female)
Sexuality: (Bisexual)
Crush: (Eleven or open)
Looks: (short blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin, blonde animal ears a tail that will appear when she uses another animals ability.
Example: when using the speed of a cheetah those ears and tail will appear)
Test subject?:(Yes)
(Only for subject) number?:(006)
(Only for subject) power?: (takes the abilities of animals and uses them to her advantage)
Family: (none)
Pets: (she is the pet)


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