Author's Note

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Hello and thank you for choosing to read CROWNS. Prepare yourself for some shocking twists, epic battles and conflict from the get-go. Don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom - it's also funny and at times quite joyful. The world is large and full of surprises.

If you like the book please feel free to Vote, Comment, Tag your friends etc etc. If you have questions definitely comment because I'll always answer.

Anyway, that's enough rambling.

Welcome to CROWNS...


[p.s. I'll be reworking this a lot this year (2021) but the plot will be effectively the same, so keep an eye out]



Twitter: iStormhawk

Instagram: jkdavid10

I created the map myself but...

Some of the artwork used is by Nathan Park on Deviantart  under "Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License"

His artwork is awesome so go check it out!

I'll try and credit the others if I can find them.


1st Chapter Published in June 2019.

All Rights Reserved.

CROWNS I: Of Desolate Hope  | ✔Where stories live. Discover now