Prologue: Illusion

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A big cave near the outskirts of the Familiar Forest is filled with mysterious tales. It's used to scare Factions and others as a joke, making sure that they don't go into the forest or caves for war but in reality, anyone who enters the cave have never returned for there is a ancient creature not even the leaders of all three factions can remember. People near the entrance of the cave could sometimes see two glowing blue eyes with red scales surrounding them, starring at them in the darkness, piercing into their soul. A creature beyond the grasp of the supernatural and anyone who dares to enter.

-Cave Entrance

A group of devils have came to this cave for some seek glory, fame and treasures, others to find out what happened to their friends, loved ones, or just intrigued by the tales from their youth. The devil group split into groups of two, group one which consists of a high-rank devil male around 6,0 in height with all black military clothing and a shotgun. The other is a high-rank devil female around the same size of the male with all black jeans, jacket, shirt and boots with pistols. Group two which consists of a devil male with dark green ninja clothes and a dual blade. The other is a devil female with a brown sleeveless jacket, black top and jeans with brown boots and a auto rifle. Their plan is to let Group 2 go into the cave while Group 1 sets up camp nearby and unpack all their items to then go in and help Group 2.

After agreeing to the plan beforehand, group 2 enters the cave silently, watching their surroundings while group 1 searches for a suitable location nearby. Little did they know that the creature was walking around, outside of it's cave and deep in the forest, returning for the day and slumber.

-Group 2

The male and female devils walk into the dark cave, scared as to what will happen to them from the stories their mother told. They continue to walk without a need of a torch since they both have night vision unlike most devils. As they slowly get deeper into the cave, more bones, markings and blood lay randomly in different spots from piles to singular ones here and there. Fear could be seen on the faces of both devils as their hands begin to tremble from the eerie silence. Not paying attention, the male almost falls down a deep, dark pit but luckily the female catches him by the hood and pulls him back before he could fall down.

Male:"Thanks Kat. Should we go down or go back?"

Kat:"Hmm..I think we should go back, look for the camp and tell them what we found, this place gives me the chills. Also Kyle, look where you're going next time."

The male nods as they both turn, heading back to the entrance nearby. Kyle silently taps his arm as the adrenaline begins to leave his body only to return moments later. As they enter the moomlight, the screams of their comrades echo the once quiet forest. They quickly hurry out of the cave and follow the screaming, worried and confused as to what could defeat two high-rank devils within very few minutes. A couple of seconds later, large smoke from a campfire could be seen indicating that it was recently lit with extra fuel. Kyle and Kat quickly run into the clearing where their camp is located only to see fresh blood everywhere, a fresh corpse with lots of large cuts and a dying female with a lot of marks seeping with blood. Kat quickly runs to the dying female and grabs her hand.

Kat:"What happened Emma?!"

The dying female just looks behind Kat, seeing Kyle but her hand begins to shake as the familiar blue piercing eyes are seen behind the ninja, tears begin to flow out as her eyes widen, knowing that her death is inevitable.

Emma:"Run!...It's right....behind..." The devils exhales her dying air, failing to finish her warning.

Kat:"No! Emma!"

The female devil shakes the already dead women but stops, realizing what she said before dying. Kat turns around only to see a massive claw strike down on Kyle's back. Said male screams in pain as he bleeds quickly and fast from the large cut. Kat gets up from the ground and tries to grab Kyle but another claw comes out, causing her to barely dodges it and grab Kyle. She puts him on her back and runs towards the nearby forest exit, not wanting both herself and her brother to die. The red scaled creature watches them leave it's sight then looks down at the blood of the male devil and sniffs it, tracking it's bloody scent. The beast walks over to both fresh corpse and starts to eat them, blood spraying everywhere as fleshly chunks of meat and teared clothes are scattered around.


5 Days After Encounter
Hell, Hospital Medical Bay

Kat is sits beside Kyle's resting body on the medical bed. Red eyes, tear stains and blackness around her once bright pink eyes indicating that she hasn't slept in a long time. The door opens and Sirzech and Grayfia walks in with the devil leader holding a medical report. Sirzech pulls out a chair from beside Kat and sits in front of her.

Sirzech:"Now Kat, I know this will be hard for you to remember but could you please tell me what happened to your team and it's leader."

Kat shakes and looks over at Kyle then starts to tell the Lucifer the events while stuttering and shaking even more. Grayfia takes down all the information while the devil talks, humming her and there. After her explanation, the devil leader let's Kat and her brother to rest for a while as he gets up and leaves with Grayfia following him.

Sirzech:"Hmm..It's quite the tale. A quadruped creature with 8 claws per paw, red scale plates, as big as a 1 story house and blue eyes. This creature definitely doesn't belong to any other races or group."

Grayfia:"Don't you dare think of bringing it here."

Sirzech:"Oh I'm not, It's coming here by its own will. After all, a predator follows the bloody trail to feed."

Hell, Outskirts Of Town

The large red creature emerges from the cave and into hell as it sniffs the air, following the scent of blood from the devil. It's blue eyes looks into the town, seeing nobody in sight but could sense the devil soldiers scouting for it. After a while, the beast could see a lone solider on top of a tower so it ran and grabbed onto the side of the tower, starting to climb the building until it was on the roof.

The unlucky devil didn't notice the beast until it jumped onto the devil, claws sinking in deep into the skin with blood shooting out of the holes. The beast slowly started to pull apart the devil until no noise of breath could be heard, blood covering the roof and parts of the devil's mangled corpse scattered around. After eating, the beast could see the hospital from where it stands. It growls and charges for the hospital, killing and eating any soldier in sight. It arrives at the hospital and start to climb the building as the scent got stronger. With one final push, the beast leaps into the room Kyle is in. It leans it's face down in front of Kyle, ready to open its jaws and eat the poor male.

???:"Don't do it..This isn't the beast I know and love"

A female with long, blonde hair, armor made out of the beast's scales and a mask that represents the beast's face appears out of thin air. She walks over to the beast and strokes the side of it's head, earning a satisfied growl from the feeling.

???:"I didn't help you so you can go back to your young broken self. Please love, this isn't want you need to do, it's what you want to do in agony, hurt and despair."

The female disappears from thin air as the beast regains it's senses from it's sadness. It looks back at the male in bed and turns around, leaping out from where it entered and goes back into the Familiar Forest with one thought in it's head.

' I'm sorry, please forgive me. '

???:"Don't worry love, i'm always here for you and I can never be mad at you...."

The beast looks around for where the voice came from but sees nothing but the trees and rocks, making the beast roar in despair, agony and sadness. The past haunting the future.

A soul...bound to another soul..............

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