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District Two was a powerful district, so they usually were part of the careers. This Year was different, though, because of the Chariot fiasco. No one wanted to align themselves with District Two. That was fine with me, though. It meant I got more time to hone the skills I struggled with. I went through the trap setting, camouflage and flora/fauna skill sections. I achieved a high level of competency in these areas and although great, did not win me any favor. All it did was increase the Careers' opinion that I was weak and low-minded. Any respect they had for me, from when I kept my position, had completely vanished. The tributes I did meet were the underdogs, the misfits and those unimpressing. I had no problem disguising my talents while surrounded by misfits an talentless tributes. Kodak pulled me aside in the hallway connecting our rooms. "What do you think you're doing!?! We're supposed to get in with the Careers and take them out all at once! You're giving District Two a bad name! I chose you to be my girlfriend because you were intense and powerful! Now, I am not so sure!"

" Relax, Kodak! This is part of my plan! Wait until they don't suspect anything, and Bam! Kill them all!" I shouted with intense emotion. He stopped to stare at me for a second. "That's genius! Why didn't I think of that!?! Of course now it's too late, but you're a genius!"

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