The Beginning

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I have merged chapters 1 and 2 into one, I will be doing that as I rewrite this book.

Every morning you go out at 5 AM to start your morning run, today however you were interrupted by your phone. you would never regret answering the phone though.

you had stopped running and pulled your phone out of the arm strap, hitting the green answer button you put the phone up to your ear.

"Hello?" you said, huffing a bit from running.

"we need you Y/n, it's urgent," Maria said on the other end of the line.

"I'll be there in five," you said and hung up the phone, you closed your eyes and sighed. you focused on making your wings of fire appear from the scar on your back, and they did, but with the cost of the back of your shirt. you took off to the sky headed towards SHIELD HQ.

you soon made it to SHIELD HQ, but when you did the last jet headed out to the helicarrier was about to leave. "shit" you mumbled as you flew faster just barely making into the jet, but the problem was stopping. long story short, you ran into the wall.

you stumbled back a bit and put your hand on your head "that was a doozy" you mumbled shaking your head a bit to regain your senses, you had yet realized the two other people on the jet.

you heard someone clear their throat behind you, you closed your eyes and prayed it was not Fury. you turned around and opened your eyes, you were relieved to see it was just Coulson and not Maria or Fury.

Phil had his arms crossed over his chest and standing behind him was a man with blond hair and blue eyes holding a duffle bag over his shoulder looking at you kinda like you were an alien, It also didn't help that the back of your shirt was almost gone. you made your wings disappear and put out what little bit of fire that was left on your shirt.

"Solar Flare, your late" Phil said, checking his watch.

"right about that, I have a very logical reason for that-" you started, but was cut off by Phil.

"save it I don't want to hear another one of you excuses, just get seated," Phil said gesturing to the seats, you sighed and plopped down on the seat forgetting about your now open backed shirt.

the man with blond hair had sat down next to you, he had set his duffle bag down on the other side of his feet as Phil began the briefing. after Phil was done briefing you and the mystery man, he went up to the front to talk to the pilot.

"Y/n Coulson," you said holding out your hand to the man next to you with a kind smile.

"Steve Rogers," he said shaking your hand "Are you and Phil related in some way?"

"bingo, Phil is my adoptive father, by the way, has he asked you to sign his trading cards yet?" you said blazing over the first part and trying to change the subject. Steve shook his head and you chuckled "well be prepared for that to come up at some point"

"well thanks for letting me know in advance, Ms, Coulson," Steve said

"please call me Y/n, otherwise I will be expecting Fury to be standing there with a glare getting ready to lecture me," you said, just then Phil came back and threw a SHIELD tank-top at you.

you caught the shirt and put it on over your half burnt shirt "so how long until we get to the Helicarrier?" you asked, ready to get out of this some what awkward situation considering you just flew into the jet and ran into the wall and now that you got to look at the wall there was a slight dent there.

"in about-" Phil paused to check his watch "now" you looked to the front of the jet and saw the helicarrier in the distance.

"please tell me Stark isn't going to be here," you said with a deadpan face, Phil didn't answer you he just watched the helicarrier get closer. let's just say you and Stark don't really get along, considering the last time you saw him you melted his suit and almost burnt him alive. "oh crap, I hope Stark isn't there" you mumbled, running your hand down your face.

the jet soon landed and you and Steve were met by Natasha, you were happy that there were at least two or three people on this helicarrier that you could stand. as Natasha introduced herself to Steve you waited until she was done talking to speak. "Nat can you please tell me if Stark is going to be here, Phil refused to answer me" you said frustrated.

"Y/n I would love to answer that for you, But Maria needs to talk to you first" Natasha said "she told me to tell you to meet her in the Break room"

Great what does she think I did now?" you said trudging off in the direction of the break room. "see you around, Steve" you called back to the blond.

I hope you all are excited for this reboot? I guess you'd call it, I know I am cause when I first started writing this story I had so many hopes for it and a ending for it all planed out, but as I went on writing it I lost interest because of the crappy old writing and how much I let my love for Anime back then sway my story telling (I still like Anime btw) but now as I've grown in my writing skill I wish to continue this story and hopefully actually finish it! that's all I wanted to say and thank you for reading this book it means a lot to me! - Caly

P.s I hope y'all like the new cover!

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