{ Challenges P.1 }

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All of us were sitting on the couches Sarah,Lilliana and Hannah were on one couch and GiaNina,Pressley,Me and Brady were on the other one we were doing the ABC Challenge

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All of us were sitting on the couches Sarah,Lilliana and Hannah were on one couch and GiaNina,Pressley,Me and Brady were on the other one we were doing the ABC Challenge.

"So the rules are,we're gonna pass the bowl around,you're gonna pick a letter out of the bowl and you'll have 10 seconds to think of a dance move" Pressley Explained
"I'll go first" Lilly said "S"
"10,9,8,7–" "Split!"
She does the splits and we all clap until Hannah stands up and says "I have one!" "Side Aerial" She does it And we clap "Someone do the shoot" Brady said I jump up and start the shoot,Sarah and Pressley joined until everyone joined in.

Sarah's turn to pick and Lilly puts her hand over her eyes "I'm Not peaking!" "A" "10,9–" "Arabesque" "I was gonna say Attitude" Lilly says.

It's Brady's turn "he's a cheater" someone said to cover his eyes so I did "I'm not a cheater!" He says while Sarah comes back with "Yes,you are!" "O" "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1" "Ouvert!" "Oh duh" he does it and then a dance comes to mind "I have one!"

As soon as I star everyone joins in

It was my turn I got R and before I could say it Brady screams "10" "9,8,—" "ok I got one!" "Rond De Jambe" "Russian Pas De Chat" "Ouvert" "or you could do Retire" "Guys or you could do right split" GiaNina Says "or you could do Right leg" Lilly says "ok Hannah bananas turn"

By the time it was my turn again I got a Z "you know what I'm done with this" and pour it behind me "your cleaning it up" Brady says "no you are!" "I'm not your maid!"

Now we are filming truth or dare "Y/N Truth or dare?" "Truth" "do you like someone?" oh crud "Maybe.." " tell us!" Everyone chanted I whispered "Brady" into Presley's ear and she was so surprised "OMG! YOU LIKE—" I cover her mouth before she says anything "WHO?" She moves my Hand away "ITS BRA—" I cover her again "Brady!" She muffled hopefully no one hears but two certain people her "BRADY?!" Sarah and GiaNina say at the same time CRUD,

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