Chapter 1: Gone missing!?!

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Deku's POV:
Today was Sunday, I had went to go see my mom because it was her birthday on Friday so I just decided to stay the whole weekend. My mom was worried about me heading back because it's late at night (around 11) but I told I was going to be fine. It was almost as like she thought I was going to get kidnapped! Like that would ever happen... or so I thought.

I was walking back to the U.A dorms and happy that I get to see my friends again. I was minding my own business lost in my thoughts as I usually do until I felt odd. It felt like someone was here with me but they had this dark aura around them.. it was weird. I turn all around me to see if there's anyone there but I don't see anything or anyone. I shrugged it off and just thought it was my imagination so I just continue walking. That's when I felt a hand go over my mouth.

As a reflex I instantly activated one for all, but before I could use it I felt something cold on the side of my neck.... A KNIFE!?! My face of surprise from the hand then turned to fear from the blade. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you" the stranger said. It sounded like... a girl? "My names toga, I'm guessing your midorya right" toga said. "Your cute! But I do have to put you to sleep" as soon as she that I felt the knife go away, but was instantly replaced with me getting jabbed in the neck with a needle.

"Sleep tight~" I heard toga say before everything started to go dark. Then I blacked out.

~The next day~

Todoroki's POV
I'm worried about midorya, well all of class 1a is. Even that explosion boy is! I didn't think he actually cared about midorya. Last night midorya was supposed to come back to the dorms, he texted me and said he would be back at around 11:30. When it got to 11:30 tho he didn't come in. We all thought he was still coming so we waited

And waited

And waited

And waited

But he never showed. At this point it was already 12 and we started to get worried. So we decided to tell mr.azawia. We looked all around school and close outside of school, even some of the other teachers helped look! We ended up not finding him and made us all PANIC, even bakugou!

The teachers said that they'll keep on looking and inform us later, and for now get some sleep.

That brings us to the class.... waiting for mr.azawia. What's worse is that he isn't here which worried us even more.

Mr.Azawia came in which snapped me out my thoughts. As soon as he came is we all shot up.

"Well I can see that or all worried about midorya" Mr.Azawia said

"I really hate to say this but, he went missing"

"WHAT!?!" We all shouted. I can only assume our faces had worry written all over it.

"What do you mean he went missing!"

"Will we find him!"

"Is he dead!"

"Will he return!"

"EVERYONE STOP TALKING" Mr.Azawia yelled making us shut up

"I know your all worried about him and where doing our best to find him but you all need to clam down"

"There will be no class for the next 2 weeks for we will be trying to find him, class dismissed" he said before leave the class

We all just sat there shocked and worried

Bakugou was the first to leave, stomping and slamming the door snapping us out of our thoughts.
Kirishima went after him, then we all just left.

~ a little after ~

I sat on my bed thinking. I didn't know what to do! First we where having a good time, and then my best friend got kidnapped! What if he was dead! What if we never find him! What if I never see him again! No, no what if's, we will find him... right?

This is my first story so it's pretty bad but I tried at least 😅
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I'll do the next one probably on in a day or two ( because my bff will be spending the night)

~729 words~

A boy with a demonic heart (Villian deku x bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now