Command Center

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The room is swarming with people as we direct them from room to room. We tell some to prep the break room, others to make tea because god knows we need it, and for someone to move the Fairy Tail items out. I just finish shouting at an intern and sigh.

I turn to you and smile.

"There you are, sorry we're a mess right now. Still trying to adjust switching to BNHA. Anyway, welcome." I gesture to the room we're in. "This is the Command Center, kind of like our own hero agency."

A figure creeps up behind you and suddenly jumps onto your back.

"Isn't that so coooooool!? We're just like Nighteye and Endeavor!" Thinker nuzzles her face against your cheek. "God, we missed you guys!"

"Thinker, I think you need to let go of them. You're starting to choke them."

"But I misssssed them!"

"Guys, quit messing around we need to get ready for-" her voice abruptly cuts off when she sees you. Then she grins and waves as she approaches. "-Hey! Glad you guys to make it. We're just getting ready for work. Hope the trip here wasn't too bad. And-Thinker, for God's sake let them go."

Thinker sighs and detaches herself from your shoulders. We giggle a bit and face you.

"Anyway, are you ready? Cause we are."

"We're aiming for at least 30 (maybe) one-shots for this book and that may be the limit for this one."

"Enjoy our crappy stories!"

"And remember that requests are always welcome!"

Me and the girls all wave as the area around you fades.

"See you later!

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