From the beginging

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It's the month of October and two mothers are about to go in to labor. These mothers have been best friends since high school and where so happy to know that they were both going to have girls, because they thought they could be best friends like them. One mother wants to name her daughter Jax Rose Smith, Rose for The memory of her grandmother and Jax because her mom wanted it for a boy or girl, and her mother's name is Jenniffer Smith, and she went into labor around 2am and baby Jax is ready to come into the world. So an hour goes by and out comes baby Jax, who was born at 6:05am on October 10, 2003, and Jenniffer was over the moon to have her baby girl in the world.

Now as for the other mother her names is Rebecca Quinn and she too was having a girl and her name is going to be Blair Elizabeth Quinn. She had been at  the hospital because she went into labor around 3:30am but no baby yet, but she did get to meet baby Jax before her own baby girl decided she wanted to come into the world. So her she was pushing and pushing until she heard the cries of her baby, who was born at 7:50am on October 10,2003, and let's just say both mothers were over the moon to have there beautiful girls in the world and also because they were both born on the same day.

After about a week or so in the hospital the mothers took their daughters home to meet the rest of their family. Everyone was excited to hold, kiss, talk, and to hug the little girls. Jen and Becca both realize it was gonna be hard to the girls apart because once they put them down for a nap, they both kinda held hands as if they knew that each one was there and that they were already best friends.

Few years later
Blair and Jax are both 10 years old and are just about to start fifth grade and they couldn't be happier. But when school stated they were sad because they only had a few classes together(they are really smart so they go to AP classes) but they tried to make the best out of it. Everyday after school and before school they would walk to the bus stop together or walked to school. The girls were hardly ever apart and to them it was normal same thing with their families but one day a few 7th graders saw them holding hands while walking and asked them if they were dating or gay, and of course they said no to dating but they had no idea what gay meant. So they asked their parents and they all had a talk about the LGBTQ community and what it meant. The girls thought nothing about the comment until they started middle school just a few short months after that incident.

Author note:
Please tell me what you think. I promise I'll go more in detail in the chapters to come I just wanted to get this one out of the way. Some of the names in here I used from my life. ❤️

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