The Problem...

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When he returned home, it was nearly eight o'clock. His face was lacking its general glow. It was as if a dark cloud of thoughts hung over him the entire time. I asked him," Where were you? And why are you soo late?"

He just said inattentively, "Hmmmm..." and went to his private room in combination with a mini-library. That room was very special for Fisher. He spent most of the time inside that room during the cases. And why shouldn't he? Fisher resolved most of the cases inside that room while just sitting in his armchair and thinking while smoking a cigar. The room is a museum on its own. On one side of the room, there is a huge bookshelf (which I call a mini-library). The books on that bookshelf are some of the rarest and most unique in the world. He inherited this collection from his father and then continued it. Additionally, there is a memorial corner. Fisher had a strange habit that whenever he solves a case he takes something related to the case with him and places that object in this corner. It is now filled with various strange objects, non-living and living ones too! Besides the two corners of his bed, there are two royal vases gifted by the Queen of Britain for solving a top-secret case related to the royal family.

When he avoided my questions, I understood that he had found some new information and he doesn't have any mood to tell me about it as he will process these pieces of information on his own in his room. So what could I do? I switched on the TV and started watching reality shows. After 12 at night, he entered the drawing-room. His green diary was with him.


He said to me, "Daniel, there are too many problems in this case. Clues are very limited. And our enemy already knows that we have taken this case. "

"How can you say that? In reference to that Mercedes. Am I right?" I asked eagerly.

He lighted a cigar and burnt it till half and then said, "Nopes, The Mercedes did follow us but they were not our enemy."

"Then?" I asked

"You will know that when the right time comes. Now listen, when I got out of the house I didn't notice but after walking a little I found an old man following me. It is too obvious that he was using false get up to follow me. He followed me from my house to the National library then the police station and at last to Mr. Butcher's house. After getting out of Butcher's house I didn't see him."

"Library and police station could be related but what are you doing in Mr. Butcher's house?" I asked.

He smiled a little and said," Do you remember the small zoo in his house?"

"Yes, of course," I said with full belief in my memorizing power.

"He has a tarantula in his collection, I have gone to see its behavior. Generally, they are very calm in nature but if in any way they can be stimulated to fight they become very ferocious and can attack their enemy within seconds with their deadly poison."

I said, "So what can we do?"

"Just listen.. " he said, "I am still not sure about the motive but from the police station, I got the news that today four more children were kidnapped in the same way from Manchester. All were of the same age that is 13. Any idea about the motive, Daniel?"

"Since he is targeting children of the same age and from different places, it's clear that he doesn't have any personal enmity with any of them. So we can rule out that possibility. But at the same time when personal enmity is not the motive, there are many multiple possibilities which can be his motive like: he is a freak and he just enjoys murdering children or he is a mad researcher who is just researching about tarantula venom and using those children for his research purpose or maybe he is traumatized about something and just doing all these things because of that trauma.. etc., etc." I explained.

"Bravo Daniel! Bravo! Nice guesses...but we can easily rule out the scientist's theory as all the children were of the same age, I don't think such precision is needed in ages while doing experiments on children." Fisher said. "One more question Daniel."


"Why 'He' but not 'She'?" he asked.

"Umm... Because witnesses said that it was a man and you were followed by a man too..."

"No no Daniel. Think Differently. I have already said that maybe there is a gang behind all these so it is possible that there is a lady at the head of the gang on whose motive and instruction the whole gang is working and the man with that old man get up is just a member of the gang." He said.

"Umm... That is also correct!"

"Don't jump to conclusions immediately. Just go through all the facts and proofs and cross-check every possibility. Then only you can come to a satisfactory result. Now go to sleep, tomorrow will be a busy day for us. Good night."

Later at 3 AM when I was fast asleep, I heard his voice, "Daniel! Daniel! I have an idea."

"Stop it Fisher it's midnight," I said in a sleepy voice.

But he continued, "I can catch him by applying a ..."

I couldn't hear anything further because I slept again out of tiredness.


(𝑮𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒍 𝒂 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏 𝒃𝒚 𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓🤩... Till then, Stay safe! stay alert!)

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