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Jimin whimpered quietly as he heard loud booms near him, his white ears tilting back as he heard yells and whined stressed as he couldn't see or move from the pain of his body, and being tied up with a blind fold on. His tail wrapped around his small thigh as a way to try and comfort himself. He tried calming down as it went quiet but quickly heard footsteps and whimpered as they got closer, louder, until they stopped in front of him. He yelped as he felt someone touch his sensitive white ears, "It's a hybrid!" He heard a deep voice gasp. His head darted around terrified. "Shut uP Joon you're scaring him!" He heard a voice rasp, Jimin whimpered scrambling further on the wall, "Aww hes sSO CUTE!" He suddenly felt a hand gently touch his ears and purred slightly calming down a bit. "He seems to like you, Jin!" He heard someone laugh. He felt pain in his empty stomach, passing out.

Jimin yawned sitting up rubbing his eyes and stretched, "W-Wait what!?" He squeaked opening his eyes looking at his originally tied up hands and blinked looking around. "You're awake!" He heard the deep voice from before, "Your breakfast is on the table right there." He smiled. Jimin tilted his head What are those dots on his cheeks when he smiles? He asked himself before nodding and went to the said table and sat down picking up a fork and started eating quickly. He gasped sighing softly at how good the food tasted and finished quickly getting up and looked around. "Aww hey kitty." He heard someone chuckled and come up to him bending down slightly stroking his chin earning a purr.

"Do you want milk?" He asked standing up, Jimin nodded quickly and followed the man to a large kitchen Why are his shoulders so big? Jimin asked himself as the man grabbed a cup filling it with milk, turning to Jimin. Jimin pointed to his mouth as he always did with his mom when she would give him milk. The man tilted his head, "you want me to feed it to you?" He asked as Jimin nodded, "Alrightttt!" The man squealed as he went and got a different cup a pink sippy filling it with the milk, "M-Momma used to g-give Chimin m-mil' wit dat!" He said as best as he could pointing to the sippy, The man giggled as he swooped up the hybrid into his arms putting the sippy by his mouth allowing Jimin to drink it.

After Jimin was finished, the man 'Jinnie' He said Jimin could call him sat with Jimin on the couch and pulled out his phone to talk to someone. "Yeah he's awake a good just get home after shopping to see kitty!!!" He giggled as he rocked the small boy in his arms. "Yeah, Yeah Jin we'll come see your little brat in a minute hold on." The person on the other end hummed loud enough for Jimin to hear, He didn't like that name. Jimin soon fell asleep in Jin's arms purring softly.

"Joon shut up you're on a wake it up!" Jimin heard someone whisper and mum led waking up and rubbed his eyes whining. "AWWWW!" He heard someone yell and pick him up. "He's sooooooo cUte!" He heard the same person squeal as looked at them. Wh-Why his hair blue? Can people do that? He asked himself and started purring loudly as someone pet behind his ear. "Aww whos a good kittyy~" Jimin whined as the person petting behind his ear stomp and was set back on the couch pouting.

"Okay now tell us your name Kitty Kitty!" He heard a man giggle and looked at the hyper looking person. "Ch-Chimin!" They looked at Jimin confused. "You mean Jimin?" Jimin nodded smiling, "Well I'm Jungkook!" He squeaked "I'm Taehyung! Or just V!" The one with blue hair giggled, "I'm Namjoon!" The deep voiced one said as Jimin nodded. "Yoongi." One mumbled "I'm hoseok or Hobi!" The hyper on squeaked giggling.

They sat at the table Jimin staying next to Jin as Jin fed the purring hybrid smiling. "Here's come the airplaneee!" He squealed as Jimin opened his mouth for the food and ate it purring. "He's not a baby Jin." Yoongi pouted, "oh calm down you're just mad because No ones holding your hand!" Yoongi growled and got up slamming him hands down causing Jimin to squeak and whimper. "You scared my cHiLd!" Jin picked up the tearing up Jimin and petted him. "Tell him to stop crying before I kick his ass it wasn't that scary!" Yoongi threatened causing Jin to get up. "I'm putting him to sleep and whoever disturbs him is cooking their own dinner until NEXT MONTH!" Jin walked off to the living room as sat down the sniffling hybrid. "Awww.. it's okay Minnie." Jin cooed as he petted his head earning a purr.

Jimin snored softly as he was put to bed by Jin.

AN: So what y'all think? Jimin is also Jin's child btw.

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