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*Grace's POV*

I pulled into my driveway, trying to be as quick as I could, knowing that my mom would probably be worried and have some long speech prepared about how I shouldn't just run off like that without being back in a timely manner.

Almost as soon as I opened the door her voice echoed through the foyer.

"Grace? Is that you?" Here we go.

I walked into the kitchen where she was just completing getting ready for supper.

"Grace Elizabeth where have you been?! You left nearly three hours ago and you weren't answering your phone! You had me worried!"

"Yes mom I'm sorry. I should have told you where I was going and when I would be back. I didn't plan on staying that long, but I got distracted."

" I guess as long as you know what you did wrong then it's okay, but don't do it again!"

I nodded that I understood what she was saying. I looked down and realized that I was holding the "flowers" that I picked for her.

"Oh here mom. I picked these for you, you know, like old times when I would pick them with pop pop and bring them home to you?"

"Of course I remember grace, but I really don't want weeds in the house, I know you can understand that, right?"

Once again, I nodded in agreement and took the flowers outside and threw them into the yard. I would probably get yelled at later for just throwing weeds into my mothers perfectly immaculate yard, but that was later and I would deal with it then.

I walked back into the kitchen and sat down at the island where my mom was putting the finishing touches on dinner.

 "So I met a boy today" I said with a little hesitancy in my voice. How would my mom react to that. You would think that she would be happy for me, but with my mom you never know.

"Oh? Where?" She asked, looking at me with a questioning look.

I took in a deep breath knowing that she wouldn't appreciate me talking to a random boy in the middle of nowhere, especially a boy that she didn't know.

"Well I was at the field that Pop Pop used to take me to" I started. She just kept eying me, probably judging me for going back there constantly. She wants to have this image of a perfect family and somehow me going to a vacant field by myself is going to ruin that image, though I don't know how.

"Grace," She said with a sigh. "I don't want you to get your hopes up. And how many times do I have to tell you to stop going to that field? There is nothing there but memories, memories that you should be trying to forget."

My mother hated that field. Why, I don't know and I'm sure she wasn't about to tell me even though I have asked her more times than I can count. But every time I mentioned it she tensed up. 

"What is it about that field that you don't like?" I asked. She stopped dead in her tracks and whipped around.

"Nevermind why I don't like it. You have no business being in an empty field you don't know what could happen. And besides I'm your mother and we have rules that you have to follow."

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