~Visiting Home: Part 6~

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"Sorry, Omuji but we're here. Be careful on your way home. Bye~" Eunha hugged Umji as she said goodbye.

"I'll be careful. See you later," Umji said as she and Eunha let go of the hug. Umji waved goodbye and watched Eunha shrink and enter the tiny village. After ensuring that Eunha was safe, she continued on the path towards her home.

The foliage gradually became less dense and the dirt road switched to stone. Umji's heart began beating in excitement as she knew she was almost home.

The village looked like an average town with roads lined with shops and restaurants and little housing developments. The only difference was the fairies flying through the air and the unusual pets walking (or flying) with their owners.

A two little cats with wings ran into Umji's leg. The fairy giggled as they dashed around her.

"Hi Cheese! Hi Cookie!" Umji greeted as she crouched down to pet the fluffy cats.

"Is Somi around here? I know she doesn't like you guys to be too far from her," Umji said she she glanced around for her friend.

"Cookie! Cheese! Where are you!"

"Well, I guess we know where Somi is now." Umji resumed petting the cats as she waited for Somi to find them.

"Aha! There yo- Yewon!" Somi screamed as she ran over and hugged Umji.

"Hi Somi," Umji said happily as she patted the younger fairy's back. Somi released Umji from her grasp but kept her hands on her shoulders.

"I'm so happy you're back! I missed you so much and thanks for finding my cats," Somi said as she reached down to put leashes on the cats.

"I missed you too, and no problem. But they actually found me" Umji said as she laughed.

"Hey, wanna go get something to eat? ...or do you wanna see your family first? Either way we're going to get food!" Somi's tone changed from excited to sad back to excited all within a few seconds.

"We can get something to eat first, I'm starving," Umji exaggerated her point by patting her stomach with a pout.

Both took off from the ground, with the little winged cats following. Umji let Somi lead the way to a market area with many food stalls. After grabbing some snacks they say down to eat.

Umji recounted the stories about her friends, from Yuju and Yerin being a bit too intimate at times to Sowon and SinB literally wrestling with each other to Eunha continously calling her 'Puppy'.

After finishing their snacks, the two fairies decided to part ways. Umji hugged Somi tightly, said "See you later" and flew off towards her family's house.

Umji landed gracefully on the front porch of her childhood home. She pressed the doorbell and shifted from foot to foot excitedly while waiting for an answer. After a few seconds, the door opened. Umji squealed as she hugged her sister tightly.

"Yewon! Oh my gosh, I missed you!" Her sister exclaimed as she squeezed Umji tighter.

"I missed you too! Is everyone home?" Umji let go of her sister and began peaking around her to see into the house. Her sister walked back inside and Umji followed her.

"Yep, you should've warned us though. We could've fixed your room up for you"

"I can't stay, my friends would be worried if I didn't come back..."

"Oh... well, that's okay! At least you got to visit,"

"Ye- Hi dad!" Umji stopped her original response as she spotted her dad on the living room sofa.

"Yewon, good to see you," Umji's dad greeted as he stood up and walked over to her. After the usual pleasantries, Umji went to look for her mom and her brother. She found both in the backyard working on the garden.

"Hiya!" Umji screamed as she bounced onto her brother's back (hoping in the back of her mind she wouldn't hurt his wings... again)

"Ah- Yewon! What was that for!?" Despite his harsh tone, he still made sure Umji didn't fall from his back.

"I wanted to scare you," Umji said with a grin as she hopped off her brother's back. Umji's mom watched with a smile before signalling her daughter to give her a hug. Umji ran over into her mother's arms.

Once again, the usual greetings and questions were asked and answered before the three decided to head back into the house. All five gathered in the living room and began to brainstorm ideas on what to do.

"Let's go somewhere!"

"I think it would be better to stay inside."

"What if we order food?"

"Yewon already ate,"

Umji listened to the banter between her family, mostly her siblings, before she decided to intervene.

"What if we do a family game night?"

"Great idea Yewon!"

"I guess that could be fun..."

"It will be," Umji said to convince her sceptical brother into playing.

"I'll go find the board games!" Umji's sister said excitedly as she jumped up from the sofa and ran off to find the games.

After many rounds of a variety of board games, Umji decided it would be best for her to leave before it got too dark. Not only that, she wanted to meet up with Eunha so leaving earlier would allow her to reach the pixie village before Eunha decided to leave. After many, many hugs, Umji got ready to go.

"Bye! I'll try to visit really soon, I need a rematch on that last game!" Umji shouted as she began to fly away.

Umji flew back to the entrance of the town and landed gently on the stone path. Just like earlier, the path began to change, only this time it was from stone to dirt. Umji kept her eyes out for Eunha but she still took the time to admire the forest around her.


Umji recognized that voice instantly and prepared herself for impact.




Umji felt Eunha crash into her side, causing both of them to end up on the dirt. They got up laughing and helped dust each other off.

"I was planning on meeting you at the pixie village!"

"Well I was planning to meet you at your house!"

Both laughed again before they flew off towards their home together.

Well.. this is it! This is going to be the last chapter of this one-shot series. I've had a lot of fun writing this and I'm sorry I'm not a very reliable writer. I do hope you enjoyed reading this though! Thank you for everyone who read this and a very special thank you for those of you who commented or messaged me, you all really encouraged me to keep writing even if I didn't think it was good.

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